2) Your GIRLS ?.........

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We got back to the mansion, cleaned up and treated our injuries. We where currently all eating in silence when Harry started a conversation about today's mission.

"Don't you guys think it's strange how all the enemies men kept falling dead with just a blink of an eye" Harry asked with confusing written all over his face.

"Yh but I think something or someone is behind it" Steven joining in the Convo and I hummed in agreement.

"I could have sworn that I saw someone or something but they where very fast that I think I was just imagining things" Trixie chirped in.

"I also thought I saw someone, but why is it that every time we where in danger he or it helped us?" I said thinking of possible reason of why we were saved multiple times.

" Exactly I was saved before one of the scars could fire a bullet at me"Harry started while he was also thinking.

" I was also saved from Samson after getting the documents"I added.

" Yes exactly! Seve and I were saved too"Trixie added too.

" And even before the building blew up"Steven stated.

" Yes but why?who?or What? Kept saving us?" I asked still confused.

"Who ever or whatever it was we should be thankful if not we would have been six feet below by now"Iyron added simply.

We were all done eating when Gray came in panting.

" Boss we caught the person who kept saving us"he said still panting" Down in the basement "he added and we all headed straight to the basement.

We walked inside and saw three people each tied up on a chair.

"Wait Gray you said the person, but there's three of them" Harry asked Gray.

"Yes and it was really hard to get them"Gray said in a frightened way.

" It's good, good job" I praised while patting his shoulder.

" Hay mister how long do you think this ropes will hold us for"one of them asked.

The two of them where wearing an all black ninja clothing while the one in the middle was wearing and all back too but with a little white here and there.

"Your Ninjas?" I asked.

"No! Where clowns, duh your not blind are you?"the same one said and I just rolled my eyes while I heard chuckling from the guy, but I wasn't sure since only their eyes could be seen and it too was covered with a net like cloth.

"Gray, Tom and Sam open their faces" I ordered to my men but as soon as they where about to touch them they kicked them to the floor, it happened so fast living us all shocked.

"So for how long do you plan on keeping us tied" the one asked with a mocking tone. " No, manners you should be happy we saved you".

" Well until I let you go, which I don't think I will be doing any time soon"I answer the question and the one laughed in amusement.

" You really think this ropes or you can hold us" the same one asked.

"Well duh one of my men caught you and I don't think I will be letting you go now" I said with a smirk and the three of them scoffed.

"Stop with that smirking before I wipe it off myself"he said in a threatening voice and my smirk went on it's own. While the three of them stood up with their hands untied and we all brought out our guns aiming it at them and they just laughed.

"Drop those guns because you can't do anything even if you want to and for your information if we didn't let you capture even your whole mafia doesn't stand a chance against one of us even in your wildest dreams"he said and before we knew if all our guns where taken from us.

" How did you do that,how are you that fast?"I asked.

" Magic "the same one said and we all looked at them like they were mad.

" Why did you let us capture you? "I asked not able to keep my curiosity any longer.

" Where here because we need your help"the other one said.

" Why would we help you?Who are you and what help exactly?" Harry demands in a dark voice but nothing compared to their voices.

"Harry they saved us that's the least we can do for them"I heard Ayra say.

" I thought all of you where stupid, but I guess there is someone sensible here"the other one said and I rolled my eyes.

"I am Kitara Lee Murakami"the one said and opened his face, no her face," this are my sisters China" she added pointing to the other one in black and she also opened her face. "The empress at your acquaintance"China said." And that's my other sister Euphoria"and she also removed her mask living all of us shocked.

They where three of them so identical, like the same person MIRROR IMAGE is what I would describe them as. They are so beautiful with white hair, heart shaped lips. Their eyes color unique, beautifully shaped brows, long lashes, high cheek bones, fair skin, well sculptured nose. Their whole appearance was just perfect.

"Wait your Girls?" I was pulled out of my little trance by the shocked voices of the guys.

"Yes is there a problem" Euphoria asked with a frown.

Ohh her voice is just like a singing angel.!

"No, but you sound like men in those masks" Harry said.

"Ohh it's not the masks that changes our voices it's a special chip that can change to any voice you want, one just has to set the voice he/she wants"one of the girls said.

" That so cool "Trixie exclaimed and they all smiled.

" Wait a minute did you say your Kitara, China and Euphoria Lee Murakami?"Ken asked.

" Umm yes isn't that what I just said? " Euphoria asked with a confused look and the only reason I know she is euphoria is cox of her clothing.

" Wait you three most be hungry after today so how about you have dinner and we can talk about all of this" Ayra offered they hesitated for sometime but finally made up their minds and we walked back up to the dinning room.








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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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