4 Love Is Unbreakable

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Youngni recited Shin Hyesung's profile once again. Shin Hyesung. 35 years old. Police Line Do Not Cross. Wait. Her eyes widened at the glimpse of yellow tape in the distance. The small crowd grew within seconds. Youngni shoved her phone into the back pocket of her ripped jean short and sprinted to join the crowd. The front-row belonged to her. She took a breath and shoved herself amid the push and pull. As the crowd grew, they helped push her forward. With her petite body, she slid through the cracks and spaces.

"Back up. Everyone please back up."

Just keep pushing. Just a little more. One. Two. Yes. The officers on the other side of the tape extended their arms to block the crowd from crossing to the crime scene. The crowd pushed harder. It felt like a giant vacuum with immense sucking ability fought her for air. It was unpleasant to be stretched. They pushed. They pulled. She moved back. She moved forward. Her feet were off the ground, and the force of bodies carried her forward. A loud whistle rang in the air, and everyone dispersed for a second before they pushed her forward. Youngni flew over the yellow tape and landed flat on her stomach. What an embarrassing moment in front of the crowd, officers, everything, and everyone.


Youngni opened one eye. A pair of black tactical boot. She shut her eyes again. Uh. How embarrassing.


Leave her alone. Just leave and she would leave by herself. She was in the wrong.

The person kneeled and casted a shade over her head. "Miss, you have passed the yellow tape."

A male? Did he think she didn't know that she did? Damn the crowd for pushing. Stupid her for being curious. He wasn't going to leave, so she swung herself upright. He swiftly leaned back in time to dodge her uppercut. That was close, he puffed. His eyes refocused and settled on a pair of astonished eyes. He blinked and focused on her face. She rather had small features, he found them adorable. The size of her head, nose, lips, and one of her ears showed through her disheveled hair.

He cleared his throat. "Do you know where you have trespassed to?"

His lips were moving, but she didn't hear anything.

"Do you know what's lying beneath you?"

Youngni fluttered her eyelashes. What was beneath her? Her hands patted the ground. A cloth. White clothes, she saw at the corner of her eyes. A lump. A clump of something. She turned her head and there were scattered mounds like... "Ah..."

Youngni jumped to her feet and tripped on the mound beside her. The only thing she saw was the blue lanyard on his neck, so she grabbed it with her dear life.

"Hurry and get her off site!" A rough voice screamed from the distance. Then, she floated on air.

He threw her over his shoulder, after he caught her, and brought her out of the site, away from the crowd.

He set her to her feet. "You can let go of my lanyard now."

Youngni eye's fluttered open and stepped back.


Youngni swallowed. Should she run for her life? Would doe eyes change anything? She haven't actually used that tactic before. His extended palm waited for her identification. But she was distracted by the size of his hand. Large with veins prominent from his wrist.


"I..." Youngni looked up and finally saw the face that belonged to the voice that had been speaking. His round eyes locked on her. Cute. He was really cute. Those eyes. "I-I wasn't really trying to trespass..." Youngni waved her hand trying to find the right word to make it sound like she wasn't at fault.

"Identification, Miss?" he said, and pressed a smile.

Youngni sighed. She didn't miss the spark in his eyes when she reached her back pocket. He took her misery as joy. Well...she'd would show him not to mess with her misery. Youngni slammed a piece of paper into his palm, shoved him back, and ran for her life.

He steadied himself and chuckled at her silliness, at how fast she ran. He shook his head. He never said she was in trouble.

"Jungkook, hurry," Team Leader Lee called in the distant.

"Coming," he answered and opened his palm, a rectangular cardstock? He read, "Call Me?"

Call her? What kind of trick was she pulling?

"Did you let her leave?" Jungkook's senior, Baekhyun, sprinted over. "She dropped her phone."

"She just left."

Jungkook gazed at her phone in Baekhyun's hand and back to his fist.

Baekhyun placed the phone on Jungkook's fisted hand. "You return it to her or you can report it as lost."

She gave him a business card. There was an address and phone number. He grinned. Did she really think it was smarter to give him her business card than her identification?

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