Chapter 57

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"It looks like all your labs are in order so how about we get you ready to go home?" The nurse looks at me kindly, expecting to see me happy.

There's not much to do to get me ready. I'm already dressed in my new clothes, Christina even insisted on some eyeliner, and I've been pacing around the room for the past hour. I smile at her anyway, "More than ready, but where is Four?"

"Right here, Tris." I turn at the sound of his voice and watch his eyes widen as he freezes in his tracks. To be fair, he hasn't seen me out of bed and dressed for weeks. I know I just saw him last night, but I can't help running into his arms. I bury my head in his neck and he smells like my Tobias. He smells like wind, soap and sweat.

I pull back to look him in the eye and I swear I see tears in them. I hug him again and say "Let's go home."


Christina and Caleb had come on their own so Tobias and I drive back by ourselves.

"Where'd you get the truck from," I ask.

"Johanna was able to get it for me. I've been doing a lot of work for her and she needs me to be able to get around the city," he pauses. "Since you have no restrictions, is there anywhere you'd like to go?"

"Honestly, all I want to do is go home. I guess I need to figure out what I'm going to do now. The rest of you all seem to know what you're doing."

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about that. I might have found you a job, if you'd like to take it. Because a lot of the Dauntless leaders were considered traitors, they want new ones to train the soldiers. We all agree that you'd be perfect for that job."

It does sound like the perfect job for me, but it doesn't really make me completely happy.

"The other thing is Matthew needs some help studying the divergent. He knows the genetics behind them, but he wants to study how it affects the brain. Him and Caleb have been using Amar, but he doesn't have the aptitude for the 3 factions like you do. They were hoping you could help out during your time off from training"

Now I feel the big grin spread across my face.

"So let me get this straight," I say. "I'm going to work to train soldiers and I get to learn more about my brain and how it works?"

"If that's what you want. If not, we can find you something else."

"No! That's perfect!"

He smiles at me and grabs my hand. "I'm glad you like the idea. I'm looking forward to some very normal days."

"I'm looking forward to some very normal days with you," and I lean into him. He puts his arm around me and kisses my hair. I close my eyes and enjoy the rest of the trip to our new apartment.

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