Fury of a Demon Lord

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~Sesshomaru's pov~

(An: so it's gonna go in and out from past to present I feel like you would kinda know where it ends and starts)

It's been a few days since I've checked on a certain raven haired blue eyed female that caught my interest ever since I tried melting her with my poison seasons before or the times i tried to kill her for being in my way to get to my weak half brother,

I've been trying very hard to ignore the thought of her but my beast is rather hard to convince otherwise of letting the idea of courting the nigen girl who was now way over the age of mating, lowly humans mate around the age of 14 and up it was uncommon for a human to not to be at least betrothed by the age of 18 mostly because they don't make it past 30 winters to raise their heirs or their next in line of lineage not that I would be interested in such matters are below me but...I couldn't help but be reminded me slightly of... dear mother when I see the stubborn Miko always wanting to help even when no one would dare waste time nor effort to do the fraction of what she does for others only my mother had done what the daring miko has. she is quite interesting human one that isn't a filthy creature like the others this sesshomaru had encountered in his lordship in the lands. But at the end of the day she was no one else but Ka-go-me as she would yell to my wretched half brother.

The more I think and ponder the more I remember my heavy thoughts of my late father

Saying I was becoming fragile and weak for being close to others that aren't worthy of emotion mostly because it is useless in my life as a future lord for i will be killed if showing weakness near any of the enemies beyond the lands.

My father....I respected him dearly mostly for my mother until he bred with that filthy human wrench knowing mother was always in love with him. She had always respected and cared deeply for my stoic father somehow even after all the harm he has caused not just to mother but to my family...my true brothers for I have missed you please forgive me for being so weak to fight back to return to you and our aunt even if she was a hanyo and our people I had promised to protect I had failed as a lord and as a son to my mother.

I never did found mother's body...I spent centuries looking all over the lands searching every day and night until i just gave up after finding mothers old obi tattered and sploched with her blood brown and old as if time had blew it in the wind I had made just for her with granny suki the old clothing maker in the old village when I was just 100 years old i was devastated i had ended up in my true form losing control for the first time in centuries i had destroyed many living creatures i didn't care anymore not without mother and my..brother who never got to see the world both of them ripped out of this world knowing I had a sword that revives never felt so useless without no body to revive.. i truly never felt so useless in my long life after being forced leave to become something i had no control to become someone so cold like father after mother had died... father had caught me and beat me multiple times for leaving the castle in search for mother's village after glaring and threatening that filthy wrench multiple times who dared to say mother's name in a tone i never liked after the incident .

As if she truly knew her as if she truly cared but didn't care to spread her legs like a lady of the night for someone who she knew mother dearly loved yet didn't bother and betray her trust after mother had saved her knowing full and well that mother would never do the same as the wrench did.

He had trained me like a soldier I was to become someone who killed as they pleased to not show weakness in this cruel world.

Surely enough he was killed for that wrench and his bastard leaving me an orphan and now stuck with being the new lord and his issues he drilled into me after mother's death oh so many centuries ago.

My father was a different yokai after mother died even I was changed by her death.

The void I carry without her and my loyal brothers hurts my soul far more than any flesh wound could ever hurt.

(An: sooo Hai there sorry I was genuinely stuck on how to portray my lovely sesshomaru mostly bc he's not that type of demon but then again he was partially raised by a diverse person who is completely opposite of his actual mother I'm sure it would have affected his personality ever so slightly but not completely mostly different)

"OI YOU BASTARD SESSHOMARU WINDSC-!!!" oh here comes the filthy hanyo of an idiot and his group

"INUYASHA SIT BOY, LEAVE LORD SESSHOMARU ALONE CANT YOU SEE RIN IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM WHILE YOU SWING YOUR SWORD!!" oh.. she is quite interesting little morsel of miko defending my ward from the brute I'd most likely slaughter if wanted to

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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