Mother's Instinct

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-Diana's pov-

I pace in my hut growling
'How dare he think i will give my child away i will not i say '

I gather my bow an arrow and my supplies for traveling

'I shall go to the western lands and confront inu taisho  '

I told rin i would be gone for a week to take care of Sesshomaru and toru

I must confront him i shall not give up easily

I walk out my hut and began walking towards the path towards the western lands if i continue running and take breaks when needed i shall be there by tomorrow evening.

I continue for hours i decided to rest for a bit

I sat down on a log and began grabbing some water from a small container made from a hard clay like material

I sip from the container gently letting the cool refreshing liquid flow down my throat

I finish and put it away

I look up into the sky enjoying the beautiful leaves flow around

I hum a song rin would sing to me 

I sang quietly thinking of the past of how much my heart still loves the man I've known for such a long time

I felt something within me begin to stir as if something was going to happen

I stood up and began walking till it was around dusk

I felt exhausted but i knew i must do this for my son for he is one of the only people that keeps me sane and not hold a grudge against his father

I sat down for a breath i began eating a small amount of boar meat i have cooked  that morning

My child im sorry i left so soon i had to do this to protect you...

It was best id rest till dawn my health has been getting a bit sick like

I sighed as the fate I received in the past

-flash back to when Sesshomaru was the age 2-

I was carrying Sesshomaru close as i walked down the path towards my dear friends hut so she can watch both toru and sessy for the 3 days i would be gone for

I was contacted by a lone villager who came from a village quite far from mine he was severely injured and malnourished
I decided for him to stay and help him heal and gave him healthy meals for him to gain weight faster.

He told me of his home village was attacked by some strange dark priestess named Saki who had the ability to cause anything into cursed stone and and the ability to cause death from poison gasses she makes with her dark magic

He said she killed most of his village and took possession of their children using them as puppets to kill every single breathing thing in that village

I grew angry as I've been told by the man that even his children were possessed as his wife was turned into stone trying to save them from their fate

My blood felt as it was boiling from all the anger pulsing in my veins 

I stood up very quickly asking the man for the direction of his home village I bowed towards him

"I promise to do whatever I can."

"Thank you dear child for I am a meer old man who can't thank you enough for helping me and my village please hurry."

I nodded to the older man and walked out of the hut bidding him farewell till I return

I walk down the dirt path towards the direction of the forest outside of my spiritual barrier protecting the village with my things gathered in my pouch i prepare myself for the long walk.

*Hours and hours of walking*

I managed to walk for almost the whole morning

My body should rest for a bit but I can't afford to lose more time the village needs me

I began pushing my body forward ignoring the amount of fatigue in my veins

I glare at the treeline feeling the presence of evil pulsating from a distance.

"I have found the Village.."

I grab my bow and arrows ready for all that lays beyond the trees.

*Time skip of an epic and bloody fight* (authors note: I can't describe good fights to save my life)

I cough up blood as I hold my sword against her neck

"You must suffer for what you did to these poor people that didn't deserve this"

With a blood curling growl she somehow manages to stab be with her long claw nails but something feels wrong...

My skin is burning as if it was on burning coals and branded constantly in the same place

I muster the words as I grit my teeth in pure pain

"What did you do to me"

She laughs with much menace

" You think I would die without me getting revenge hahaha that's why you shall die not now but soon turning into stone slowly from the inside till you become stone and lifeless like you deserve to be hahahaha"

"You shall not have the satisfaction of knowing it"  I end up killing her  with one swipe of my sword

I saw a multiple bodies of the village children suddenly fall as if the strings or what force that was holding them against their will

I quickly run to them

*End of flash back*

I stand up quickly grabbing my items as I walk more down the path towards the large Castle in the distance

'Inu Taisho get ready for my scolding'

*Time skip bc why not*

I wake up naked with many marks and scratches on my body

I look next to me a rather naked sleeping  demon

I burst into tears as I grab my things and run before he could manage to move in his sleep

'what have I done...'

~Authors note~
Allllllrigggght so I've been having this for some time and didn't know if to post it or not bc ik it's super eew

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