Travel to the broken village

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Dianas pov~

I walk slowly down the path torwards the path with my bow and arrow on my back i try not to get in path of many demons at times due to me being with child they think im a easy mean but i try never to fight demons or humans or creatures to be in fact .

I passed by many many trees but i see a fruit bush i reconise well i grab a few bunches just in case the baby gets hungry or if i find peopl that are hungry

I look torwards the sky watching the sun slowly get a bit lower than mid day i drink a sip of water from a small leather pouch i had made from cattle skin that was left from years ago meals feeding all the villagers

I put the puch on my side i slowly walk again torwards the village that i needed to visit i walk for about two hours my legs start to hurt i see a small valley with a single tree in the middle i slowly walk torwards it and i sit gently againt the tree

I sigh in relief due to the weight of my feet i rub my swollen stumach to feel small kicks and movement in my womb

"My beautiful child, your so small and gentle yet very strong due to your kicks and aura .... I know your going to be a perfect baby i hope you come soon but not too soon..."

I yawn i think maybe if i take a small nap it wont hurt

My eyes slowly close then i slip into a dream world

~an hour later~

I wake up with a bolt of pain on my lower back i look down to see i was laying on a root by the tree. I get up slowly and strech slowly and begin my jorney

I see a village after 20 minutes of walking i begin walking a bit faster holding my pouch on my side fulled with herbs and medicines and multiple things for healings and remedies

I enter a fairly large village i can feel there was sickness

I wonder if theres any priestess here

The huts were very fragile looking

I see one of the main leaders of the village

"Hello, i am priestess diana im here to give your village help with some of the sicknesses that have been killing your villagers.."

"Hai, thank you for coming i am the village leader takumaru "
He bows. To me

I tell him where is the priestess in this village
"There is none our last priestess died while proyecting us from a snake demon"
I nod and walk with him to a large hut where there were multiple people coughing and dying from colds and flus and more sicknesses that i shall see i will heal them. I walk to a small child laying down with a small cloth on their forehead

I slowly put some water to boil on the fire on the middle of the large hut and i slowly look around and i see small cups and bowls i slowly put some herbs in each one one and i wait for the water to boil and i walk to a older woman and i slowly use my healing auras to her legs that were badly ingured

~Three hours later~

I feed the small child a soup i made to feed everyone in the hut and more of the village. I yawn again but takumaru put his hand on my shoulder

"It is fine you should rest especially in your condition i shall watch them "

I nod and i walk torwards a emty mat and i lay down slowly letting sleep over come me

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