Prologue Act 1 Part 2: The Traveler and the Emergency Food

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It's been about four weeks since you first arrived here in the world of Genshin Impact, otherwise known as Teyvat. The people of Mondstadt were still trying to get used to the idea of an otherworldly individual falling from the heavens right out of nowhere, but you tried your best to seem friendly to them which has worked as they began accepting you into their community. It should also be mentioned that due to you always helping Amber out with any and every monster problem that came to Mondstadt along with getting some proper training from her along with occasional sessions with Kaeya, Jean had now begun to trust you and she even made you one of the Knights of Favonius which made the adorable bunny themed Outrider very happy. Granted, it was a part time thing as you still needed to train, but that didn't erase the fact that they saw potential in you.

When it came to your living arrangements, it was decided by Jean that until you were able to afford your own place, you had to stay with either Amber or Lisa which undoubtedly led to more tension between them. Suffice it to say, they were at each other's throats almost all the time. Amber kept saying that since she found you, she had to be the one that you stayed with while Lisa constantly countered that you'd be better off staying with someone more mature than Amber, although, deep down, you knew that she was probably just looking for an excuse to flirt with you more. To put an end to their debate, you told them that you'd compromise by alternating between staying with both of them on a weekly basis which seemed to work as they agreed to it... even if it took a little more arguing.

Speaking of which, your time with the people you now called friends was well spent. For as seemingly airheaded as she was, Amber was a lot of fun to be around. Her giddy personality and positive outlook on life was really something you wished you had. How a girl like her was able to smile after a day of nearly being killed by countless monsters was beyond you and you were certain that it was probably best for you to not know. Still, you always accepted her company wherever and whenever possible. One time, she suggested that she should take you gliding, which was a big shock to you.

As it turned out, the town of Mondstadt was known for gliding as it was something the Knights of Favonius did constantly. The only problem with it was that you had to have a gliding license to be able to glide at all. However, with Amber's help and after many... many miserable fails, you were finally permitted to glide which was a dream come true for you as it actually allowed you to see what skydiving would have essentially felt like.

Jean had grown used to having you around as she did occasionally drop by to visit you whether you were in the town market or back at either Amber or Lisa's homes, although she never did stay around for long as she was very busy with other things. You understood why, seeing as how she was Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius after all, but a part of you really wanted to get to know her better as you felt that it would help your relationship with her. She did have a mysterious nature to her and you were hoping that with enough time, she'd open up with you more and more. For the time being though, you resorted to the occasional talks which were still good.

And then there was Lisa and... oh boy, was she something else. As somewhat mentioned before, nearly every time you were with her, she would always find a reason, chance, or time to flirt with you, calling you nicknames like cutie, sweetie, or even darling. Honestly, her nicknames for you didn't really leave much of an impact on you. It wasn't that you didn't like being called those nicknames, far from it, but just as Jean had explained to you, she does that with everyone, so you didn't feel like you were really getting anywhere with her. Then again, she did hug you a lot whenever you visited her at the library, so there may have been a chance that she did really like you. Although... you probably could have done without the hugs... as she'd implant your face into her... ample bosom nearly every time. You did admire her intelligence though which made sense since she worked at the library and the fact that she was about ten years older than you, so her maturity wasn't just for show. It didn't take much to convince you on why she was really well respected.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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