Demon Lord Milim Arrives

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It was the day after King Gazel departed. But that was the second departure. The first time before he left me and him formed an alliance, in order for that to go through a name for my kingdom was needed. And so a name was thrusted upon me by everyone. Tempest is now the nations name with the capital being called Rimuru. It makes me seem like I have a big ego.

After that he ended up leaving just to be back later to deliver me something, or someone. What he came to drop off was minister Vesta, as some kind of gift. But King Gazel said he was some kind of apology gift. I took him in due to well, he had nowhere else to go but Kaijin ended up vouching for him, surprising right. So it has been a day after he has left since dropping Vesta off.

After all these event that have happened, I went back to my thoughts about becoming a Demon Lord. I was in my house debating this problem until I sensed a fast object hurling itself here at insane speeds. I went outside to try and get a glimpse at it, thats when I noticed it was following me, so I have to lead it away.

I bounced in my slime form to a hill outside of town, from there I got a good look at it. Not like there was much to look at, it was just a massive pink ball of energy.


The ball of energy crashed down right in front of me. Such massive impact was blowing me away, I could barely stay in place, as it was about to send me flying. Once the dust cleared I got a look at what caused this, rather who caused it.

"Greetings! I am known as the destroyer! Demon Lord Milim Nava!"


I could not utter a single word. This is Demon Lord Milim Nava. The one in the story Veldora told me about. How long ago was that story? Well forget it, hopefully she is not here to brawl.

"You must be the strongest in this town. I came by to say hello." Huh? I am completely suppressing my aura but she can still tell I am the strongest here, just how powerful is she?!

"U-Uh well I am Rimuru Tempest. It's cool you are able to tell a little, harmless slime like myself is the strongest here."

To this she proceeded to smirk.

"Well stuff like that is child's play for someone like me. Due to my [Milim Eye] doing so is easy." She calls it her Milim Eye, is that really a skill?

"Question, is this true form? From what I saw in Gelmuds orb you were more human like and had platinum hair." So thats how she knows about me. Well I got to meet a demon lord out of it so I guess I should be thankful. In order to meet her expectations, I turned into my human form. Once done she seemed awestruck.

"Well if I may ask what is your reason for coming here."

She seemed.... Confused, by my question.

"What are you talking about? I just came to say hello."

Silence over took this hill, up until. A purple haired Oni popped out of the bushes ready to strike Milim. We don't need any further damage from her. I stopped Shion by using my [Stone Stare]. Everyone else popped out too so I did the same thing to them. They were shocked by my actions.

""Rimuru-sama! Please run away!"" Said Benimaru and Sakame

""Thats right my lord!"" Responded Shion and Kiyoko. I had to put a stop to Ranga and Souei too. I turned back to face Milim but instead of being furious for being attacked, she looked.... excited?

"Is everything alright?"

"Everything is great! Now let them fight me!" She said as she went right up to my face.

"I'm sorry I can't allow this place to sustain any further damage, maybe later."

"Your the strongest person here! So why don't you fight me?!"

"It's the same reason I said earlier. Lets go everyone." I deactivated my [Stone Stare] on everyone and proceeded to head back to town. But I was stopped by a pink haired loli.

"No fair! No fair! Your doing something more fun than a demon lord arent you? Let me play too!" She is just like a spoiled child. Well it's fine, I know how to tame these types.

"Fine! Fine! I let you come. Will you be quiet if I gave you this too?" I said taking out a jar of honey. If she is child-like she has to be a child at heart correct. She opened the jar and and scooped some out with her fingers.

"Yummy!!" Child taming successful. With this done, we could finally head back to the town. Milim is riding on Ranga with me, but out of nowhere she asked me a question.

"Hey you ever thought about becoming a demon lord?" Everyone else looked confused about this.

"Yes, I have but not currently I don't want to go on a mass murder spree just to do it."

"What does murder have to do with it." Does she not know how she became a demon lord?

"In order to evolve I need to obtain a sufficient amount of human souls. For me I would need 60,000 souls." The reactions to my words were unbelievable. I mean they didn't know that I wanted to become a demon lord and here I went and just dropped that bomb.

"So, if you were able to get the souls without killing people would you become one." What does she have in mind? Can she just give souls to people?

"Yes. I suppose I would." To my response she just gave a devious yet excited smirk.

"Okay! I shall be right back Bestie!" She yelled before getting off Ranga and flying away.

'Wait, when did I say we were besties?'

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