Chapter 2 pt.2: First Blood

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Robin needed a lot of things: A doctor, a house, money, etc..... but what he wanted the most was a high and he would do anything to get it. So when a certain German shepherd was in his begging spot waiting for his owner the voice became louder.  

"I know a way to make the pain go away. To get that high you're looking for." 


"That's Right Robin Gran you see that dog"

"Yes, why?"

"Kill it."

"What I could never, it ain't right"

"SO WHAT, it ain't right for it to be sitting your spot"

"You need it Gran"

"yeah-- I need it"

When Daniel saw black smoke start to envelop the strange man he knew he was in trouble. He started to bark and tug at his leash but when Angel got there she was too late. Robin Gran was gone and Daniel was on the ground writhing around his windpipe crushed and gasping for air.

"What happened? "

"You need to calm down"


"He's not quite dead yet, You can still save him."

"Drag him to that alley over there"


"You have that knife right"




"what are you planning"

" I don't know a lot but I'm told that if you cut yourself with it and feed your blood to Daniel he'll be fine."

"Ok I'll trust you guys."

That right there is when Daniel started to change He got bigger, his fur darker, teeth sharper, and he seemed quite unearthly.  Angel being the smart girl she was realized what just happen. Daniel wasn't fine he was like her no longer living always in the tight cold embrace of death. Angel didn't want this, but it seemed that Daniel was still normal at least in the head. How is she going to explain to Him that he isn't a normal dog anymore. 

"Who did this to you, Daniel"

" A man enveloped in black smoke"

"It's the shadow creatures their starting to possess people"

"what was that"

"You can hear them?"

"He's now a part of you he fed on your blood from the knife"

The young girl now had multiple problems on her hands in just a few days she had aged 50 years mentally and with wisdom comes stress. She now needs to hunt down a man possessed by a magic parasite before his kill high-seeking turns to human victims and the people of New Orleans need to start worrying about magic supervillains on top of the high crime rate and Mardi Gras just beginning. While she is young and lacking experience but with 15 different lifetimes already lived and a newfound connection with her dog. The path she is about to embark on is looking a lot more clear. The new hero knows exactly what she needs to do to keep her city and loved ones safe. Study, Prepare, and Take Action.

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