The Party

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Sarah standing in front of her full length mirror holding up different outfits trying to find a cute combination. She had spent all day thinking of the party and how this is finally her chance to be one of the popular girls. Her hopes got even higher when she ran into the popular girls at school that day and they didn't bully her, in fact they told her to not mess this chance up and walked away laughing to themselves. they must have heard about her invite and Sarah thought they were actually giving her a chance.

"This is a bad idea" the voice said startling Sarah 

"God damnit will you leave me alone" 

"I'm just saying I think you should stay home" the voice responded

"Well when i want your opinion I'll ask for it until then just shut up will you" Sarah said putting on a spaghetti strap crop top on, a pair of shorts and a plaid  button up flannel shirt over the top leaving it unbuttoned.

Climbing out the window Sarah sneaks across the roof and hangs off the edge. It's a bit of a  drop but Sarah has done this enough times she knows that if she hangs off at just the right spot and falls into a roll she would not get hurt and that is exactly what she did to sneak out which she would do on a fairly regular occasion.

"I'm telling you go back home" the voice pleaded 

"Will you just fucking stop already god you are annoying you know that" Sarah yelled in a whisper tone. it may be dark and most of the people in this dinky small town were in there houses for the night but Sarah didn't want to risk someone overhearing her talk to herself

"just go home and watch a movie or something I don't care just don't go to that party" the voice urged. Sarah just rolled her eyes and did her best to ignore the voice in her head and proceeded to go to the park.

Upon arriving at the park Sarah noticed Autumn was not there yet. Just then Sarah get a call and upon answering it heard Autumn on the other end of the line.

"Hey Sarah listen i can't make it, my parents got wind i missed class and im grounded. I don't have a way to sneak out" Autumn said in a saddened tone

"What that's messed up. There's really no way for you to sneak out cause i want my bestie to come with me to this party" Sarah whined 

" I know it's messed up  but look because i can't go please don't go. Just go home ok there will be other parties we can go to" 

With a long sigh Sarah finally responded " fiiinnnee I'll go home......I'll see you tomorrow ok"

Sarah said bye to Autumn and turned to walk back to her house. "thank god that was close now go home put on a movie and stay inside" he voice beamed with a bit of joy.

"Fuck you" said Sarah " you know what no I'm going to that party and I'm going to have a fun fucking time got it" she turned around and headed for the party ignoring the pleas from the voice to go home. 

As she got closer to the house her heart began beating faster. This was it tonight she was going to be one of the popular girls. As she got closer she could hear the music and see the street filled with cars and kids coming and going, people making out in the front lawn, red solo cups everywhere. She was amazed the cops haven't been called yet by one of the neighbors. Her normal paranoia of having all eyes on her was no longer just paranoia as she climbed the front steps noticing everyone around her were looking at her as if to say what the fuck is she doing here. 

 As she turned to leave not liking the attention she was getting she heard a voice, his voice, calling to her. 

"Hey you made it. Sarah right? Where's your friend Autumn" Gabriel said in a soft but firm voice

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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