Killer killer: Marcus & Ginny.

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Murder mystery imagine.
Marcus x Ginny.


There was a new girl in Wellsbury. She seemed strange and odd, nobody wanted to be her friend. So Marcus decided to become friends with her, and it upset Ginny. Ginny had become jealous of the new girl.

After he befriended her, he barely spent any time with Ginny because he was always hanging around her.

Which led Ginny getting into an argument with Marcus that day.

"Okay you've been pouting all day. If something is bothering you, we should talk about it, so what's wrong Ginny?" Marcus asked looking at her.

" do I really have to tell you what's wrong? I thought you'd know by now. We barely get to spend any time together anymore because you're always with that new girl I mean how am I really supposed to feel. We always used to hang out but now it's like you're choosing her over me and you don't even know her. She's odd and I don't understand how you like hanging out with someone like that." Ginny said rolling her eyes.

"Ginny seriously? Wake up! OK the world doesn't revolve around you I can't always spend time with you. We're not even together. We're not in a relationship so I don't understand why you're jealous of me hanging out with the new girl and choosing her over you."

"Besides lately, you've been really busy so it's not like I really have a choice to hang out with you. You have a job and you're always hanging with your other friends, so I don't really know what's the problem. We're both living our lives, she's really cool and if you got to know her, instead of judging her, you would know." Marcus replied.

" OK Marcus, we may not be dating but I give you my body and I don't give that to you for nothing. We always hang out. So for you to choose her over me is crazy I mean how could you? I thought we had something good going on? Now you're moving to another girl..did you finally get enough of my body?" Ginny asked crying.

"Ginny what the fuck? It's not even about that and you know it. Look if it bothers you so much, we will only be friends from now on, it won't be more than that because I think you're getting the wrong idea. I'm not gonna get back together with you. We're friends and I care about you but now I'm also her friend and I also care about her and besides the fact is she doesn't have friends like you do. You can hang out with so many people other than me but I'm the only friend she's got so excuse me for trying to be there for her."
Marcus said annoyed.

"Fine, whatever, then you're dead to me. We're nothing and since you choose her over me someone you just met. Then, so be it. I guess I know how you really feel about me now I mean you say you care about me, but I obviously know that it isn't true. Otherwise we wouldn't be arguing over her right now."

"This is dumb. You know what I am not having this conversation anymore. I can't believe we are fighting over the new girl. Ginny you're acting crazy. You of all people need to get some help I'm really worried about you." Marcus said walking away from her.

Hours later.
Marcus sighed and looked at his sister Max. " I can't believe Ginny."

"You're serious? Ginny really went psychopath all because you hung out with the new girl? That's weird. Haha I think the new girl is casting a spell on the both of you." Max said laughing.

"Max this is not the time to joke around." Marcus said sighing.

The next day.

"Marcus did you hear?" Some random person told Marcus as he was coming into school. "What?"

"Your friend..she was murdered last night." Marcus felt so hurt he skipped.

"Who could've murdered her?" Max asked Marcus. Max was also skipping with her. "Oh my god Ginny might be a suspect, since you two got into a fight because of her, and Ginny didn't seem to like her and was jealous of her. You did say she was acting like a psychopath." Max said sighing.

"You think she did it?"

"Well, I don't know maybe?" Max said sighing.

"I mean ever since her mom went into jail. She freaked out. Kept acting like a psycho." Max said nodding.


Max put the news on when she was home and her face dropped. "Marcus come in here!"

"I'm coming." Marcus came into the room and saw Ginny on the tv. "Ginny? Ginny killed..her?"

"Apparently she's going to Juvie." Max said. "Why would she do such a thing?" Max continued.

"I have no idea..she's so fucked up."

After that day Marcus and Ginny weren't friends, they were nothing. He didn't even visit her when she was in Juvie.

Her mom was very angry upon hearing this, but since her mom was also in jail, she couldn't do much. She was worried about Austin and Paul being alone.

Everything was messed up.

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