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As we arrived at our destination, I could see we the house was gorgeous and huge! I was getting a little carried away but im sure the diver and guard didn't mind. I am a kid after all.
"Alright, out you get."the bodyguard demanded as he opened the car for me.
"Thank you," i said,"quick question. When is my dad coming back?" The bodyguard looked at me with beady eyes. Had i said something wrong?
"I am no sure but i insist you go explore the house." He remarked back. At least people are nice to me now. Or is it all an act? No. I believe i can trust them. I just needed to be positive at all costs.

I walked into the house and it gleamed in white. Everything big and fascinating. I raced to sit on the huge sofa. Not even kidding but it could probably hold up to 50 people on it!
"Get as comfy as you want." The body guard insisted as a smile rose on his face, "you wont need to worry about anything. Just get comfortable with your new home."
"Will do," i replied, " thanks!" He immediately turned away to shut the front door. I hope everything is going to be good now. Yeah, my mom was a bit horrible but at the end of the day, she's my mom and nothing can change that. I wish she was nicer to me though. She just never bothered about me and always brung  random men around to the house. Maybe i just never bothered either. To be honest, i didn't bother with anything but my future. I hoped i would die soon so everyone could be happy but that isn't what happened. Instead I got to go live with my dad in japan. I guess its alright as long as i make friends and start to bother. Nothing matters but that. I think anyway..

The day went on slow but finally the moon settled into the sky. I felt peaceful as i sat in my new room. Yeah, it was all white and boring but at least it wasn't just a mattress like i had before. At least people were starting to like me. Wait. I had an idea that i can write in my diary. It was going to be good! I swear it was!!!

The Loner and The Frog (Tsuyu asui x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now