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The next day arrived. My first day of going to my new school. I wanted to be excited but it felt like I couldn't be at all. As I ate my breakfast, the maids put all my essentials in a white, leather bag. They also had gotten me to help design a hero suit as I would need it for missions. I just told them to make it simple but cool. I think they got what I ment but at the time I didn't know.

I was driven to the gates of my new school. It had a huge ,yellow sign which said 'UA' so I knew I was at the right school. As I got out the car, I saw many kids walking into the building.
"Hey, mister. Can you just stay at the car instead of taking me to the front of the school?" I asked
"Sorry But I must come," the bodyguard answered, "I have to get you your schedule and speak to the principal." I sighed and got out the car. Damn. Am I really going to walk into school on my first day with a tall man right behind me? What if people from my class see me and think it's embarrassing! I began to Panik but reassured my self by breathing deep.i can do this. I'm so sure i can.

As we finished up in the principals office, i stood from the chair i was sitting on and said i was going to wait outside the room. So thats what i did. I stepped outside of the room to wait. As i was waiting, i saw a dude with green hair with some other kids who looked even cooler! But i was too shy at the time to say anything. So i just watched people passing by as i waited. Then my bodyguard came out to me.
"Alright. I have all the information for you right here. Im afraid this is where i leave now. You will see me on the weekend." He sighed.
"Thanks for your help." I replied," you're great, really!" Then he smiled and turned to walk off.

This is it. The time im going to meet my new classmates. Gosh. I hope i dont make myself a fool in front of them all. I adjusted my bag onto my back and walked off, following a map which had my class in bold labeled on it. It said "1A". As i arrived at the classroom door, i took a deep breath and clutched onto the door handle. Finally, i opened the classroom door to see many people. I even saw the green-haired boy from before and his friends. As i stepped into the class room, kids eyes shot to look at me.
"Okay kids. Settle down now. This is your new classmate, f/n l/n. Introduce yourself to the class." The form teacher said.
"Right," i mumbled,"Uhm. My name is y/n. My quirk is the ability to control wind and Uhm." I paused. I tried to think of something to say but i just stopped in my tracks and asked if anyone wanted to know anything else. Only a couple people raised there hand and i answered those questions.
"Okay, y/n. My names aizawa if you're wondering. Go sit in that empty spot next to Tsuyu Asui." Aizawa remarked. As a walked over to it, thats when i saw the girl. THE GIRL OF MY FREAKING DREAMS??!!!!! YEAH DAMN SHE WAS WELL THERE AND EVEN WORSE!!!! I WAS SITTING BESIDE HER!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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