they save you part 1

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"it's been 3 fucking hours and they arent back!" blitz said panicing, Moxxie walks back into the office and blitz quickly jumped on him "DID YOU FIND THEM?!" blitz yelled "will you get off me and no they weren't near the park or their school..." moxxie explained "FUCK WHERE ARE THEY?! THEY WOULDN'T RUNAWAY RIGHT?!" "blitz calm down we'll find them!" millie said trying to calm down blitz from having a panic attack "Loona please would you just sniff her scent and try to find her" moxxie asked. Loona was about to say no but she saw the horrible state blitz was in she agreed the I.M.P crew got some weapons just in case and followed loona

with you

you wake up to be tied to the cold floor, your mouth was covered with duck tape you looked around to see of you can find a exit and luckly you saw a window, forgetting your tied down you looked to your right to see a tray of scalpels "your awake finally" a voice said you see the man who had kidnapped you put some gloves on and a mask on confused you tried to speak but with the ducktape on all he could hear was muffles "oh right the tape" he ripped the ducktape of your mouth which fucking hurt "Why the fuck am i here?!" you shouted "you're here cause you remind me of my wife you both kinda act the same" he said "okay what does that have to do with me?" you said sassy "she needs surgry but she needs another organ or else she dies and ill be taking it from you" the man said crazy "What the hell man you could've chose someone else but why me?!" you yelled "quiet or ill put the ducktape back on and i would hate to do that, i want to hear you screams in pain~" he said laughing crazy. you stared at him horrified

the man got ready for the surgery and laid his wife next to you "what organ did you need from me?" you asked "both of your kidneys and alot of your blood~ you might die from blood loss before i could get you're kidnys tho but it's none of my concern"
he got a needle and started to take your blood

lm getting dizzy... is this how it ends? i didn't tell dad, loona, moxxie, millie, A/n goodbye i didn't even get to tell aspen how i felt... you teared up and felt like you were going to pass out the man has started to cut one of your sides open but before the blade could go even more deep he heared a crash up stairs, he put the blade down and went to check it out leaving the needle still taking more blood from you then he wanted. the next thing you remember is hearing a gunshot and seeing you dad above you telling you stay awake.

next thing you know you wake up and your in your bed at home with A/n curled up next to you, was it dream? you thought, you got up but just fell on the floor "Fuck!", you just stayed there, you see your door open

Blitz quickly picked you up from the ground and put you back in bed "papa i had a weird dream" you said "i was kidnapped and he took my blood and wanted my kidneys for his wife" you explained "Pony that was real" blitz said "wait what?.... oh"
"lm glad you're okay" Blitz said as he hugged you and you hugged him back "did you kill him?" you ask "of course after what he did to you and what he told me" he said pissed

Moxxie & Millie

you woke up in a bed where am i?... you sat and observed the room you were in.

the walls were f/c and it had all the things you wanted/ had in your bedroom at home. you got up and opened the door just a crack to see whats outside the room, you hold up a pair of scissors that was on a desk in the room. you left the bedroom and walked around the house even tho theres no threat but i still need to get out of here you tried to find the exit but continued to get lost around this house "ah there you are sweet pea" a voice said behind you. quickly you turned around ready to stab someone but you froze in shock why- why does he look exactly like me?! you slowly back up "whats wrong? shock to see your dad?" he said "y-you're not my d-dad i already have one" you stuttered "you're talking about that excuse for a father?" he tilted his head "watch it! i have scissors and lm not afraid to cut a bitch!" you shouted "calm down hun no need to be so aggresive" he said "now you should meet some of you're siblings" he said in a cheerful tone, he grabbed your wrist making you drop the scissors and he dragged you to the living room
"guys i want you to meet your little sibling!" he said excited "damn they looks just like you" a older boy said "i know, lma bit dissapointed that the rest of you couldn't look like me instead you guys look more like that woman but i can't control it tho" he sighed so everyone here are my biological family...

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