Prologue 2

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Somewhere in the middle of Asia

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Somewhere in the middle of Asia

A luxurious mansion was decorated
with light pink roses, white lilies, and an assortment of flowers. The decorations appeared to be for a wedding celebration.

A young lady around the age of twenty-three waits for her brother to arrive and accompany her down the aisle.

She looked like an angel in her stunning white, shiny off-the-shoulder wedding gown. Sitting in front of the dressing table mirror, she wished she could see herself in her wedding gown just once.

Nonetheless, she was ecstatic because she was about to marry the man of her dreams in just a few minutes.

Her excitement was short-lived, however, when a maid entered the room and delivered the bad news, handing her a phone for confirmation.

"Hello! Is this Ms Erika Carter? The daughter of Mr. Michael Carter. I am the head nurse at St. Francis Hospital," the voice inquired. Erika was taken aback by the situation, but she maintained her composure while waiting for more information. Her hand curled around the device with concern, and her heart rate increased in anticipation.

"Yes!" she responded softly. She had a feeling that something was wrong and that something bad was going to happen. Her senses were warning her of upcoming events.

"I am sorry to inform you, ma'am, that around seven a.m., an accident was reported in the hospital, and two people were severely injured, and we discovered this phone number in one of their wallets. One person died on the scene, while the other is in critical condition and has been admitted to the intensive care unit. Please arrive at the hospital as soon as possible because you are the only one who seems next to the kin and there are formalities to be completed," the head nurse reported softly.

She allowed Erika to control her emotions while waiting for a response.

On the other hand, Erika was too numb to follow the news. Her hands trembled, and she had no idea what was going on with her.

"Hello! hello! "Ma''am," the nurse inquired again, hoping to get Erika's attention after not hearing back for a few minutes.

"I-I will be there soon," she stuttered, meekly confirming. It took her a few minutes to muster the courage to respond to the situation. She returned the device to her maid. Her hands and forehead were sweating from worry.

"Call the driver and take me to St. Francis Hospital," Etika requested her maid, and she quickly left the room to attend to her responsibilities. Erika dabbed her fingertips, trying to find her belongings.

She finally took out her black eyeglasses and white cane from the first drawer of the table. She was about to leave the mansion.

"Ma'am, the car is ready," the maid stated with diligence.

Erika left her seat and descended the stairs, accompanied by her maid, to board an Aodi A6 luxury car and drive to the hospital. Each minute felt like an hour to her.

When they arrived at the hospital, the first thing she wanted to know was the condition of her family members.

"Ms. Erika Carter?" A male voice invited. She was waiting in the VIP lounge with her maid by her side, but the man's deep voice startled her.

"Y-Yes, it is me," she exclaimed desperately. She patiently waited hours for all of her answers.

The man noticed her wedding gown, black sunglasses, and a stick in her hand, which told him everything he needed to know about her.

He felt sorry for the lovely girl standing in front of him. She had lost the power of her vision, and she was about to hear the worst news on her wedding day.

"I am sorry, but your fiancé, 'Mr Harris,' is no longer with us. He had already died when they arrived at the hospital, and your brother, Mr Carter, is still fighting for his life in the intensive care unit. Your brother's survival chances are slim. We are doing everything we can to save him," the doctor said, looking at the girl in front of him with concern.

"No! Please-No! This cannot be true," she exclaimed hysterically, her head spinning from the news.


She took a deep breath to relax herself. Her head was still spinning, and when she tried to stand, her legs wobbled, causing her to stumble slightly.

The doctor next to her caught her on time and helped her sit down on the sofa.

"Water?" he asked politely.

She simply shook her head, too weak to speak. Her ears were still ringing, but she needed to be strong for what was to come.

"But there is something I would like to discuss with you about your fiance's will. He included a provision in his will to donate his cornea to you. We need to perform the surgery immediately, and we also need your permission and signature on some documents," the doctor explained with a little hesitation.

"I know it may seem insensitive to you, but we need to consider the decease d's last wish, Ms. Carter because your donor's eyes are perfectly fine. Your fiance did an excellent job by preparing a plea agreement and conducting all necessary tests ahead of time. His entire effort will be in vain. I am sorry for your loss, Ms Carter, but please give it some thought and I will send a nurse to assist you with paperwork. You can contact your lawyer to discuss the legal procedure. Thank you," the doctor said, quietly waiting for a response.

Erika simply nodded. She was too weak to speak because tears were streaming from her eyes nonstop. After a while, her sobs echoed throughout the VIP lounge.

The doctor looked at her sympathetically, and since he could not change the situation, he accompanied her until she relaxed slightly.

He then moved on to his other responsibilities, leaving her to deal with her emotions.

The darkness in her eyes was never an issue for her because of her fiance or brother. Both men were willing to do anything to make her happy. However, without them, she felt lost and alone in the world.

She signed the paperwork for her surgery with great reverence, remembering her deceased beloved. The procedure was successful, and she regained her vision a few days afterwards.

However, she was forced to accept the devastating news that her brother was unable to survive and died. Despite her heartbreaking loss, she made it a point to attend her loved one's funeral after regaining her vision, something she had never considered.

After a month, she began to recover as she took over responsibility for the company that her brother had left in her hands. As the days passed, everything began to slip out of her grasp.

Her brother's company's stock was at a record low, and it was on the verge of bankruptcy. However, she noticed something off about the situation.

She decided to look into the entire situation, and what she discovered left her speechless. Throughout her investigation, she gathered all evidence related to her brother and fiance's accident.

But the further she dug, the more dirt she discovered. Finally, she discovered that it was not an accident, but rather a cold-blooded murder, committed by someone very close and unexpected to her. She was determined to apprehend the perpetrator, but before she could, she became trapped in a dark maze.

She had no idea that there was only one way out of this maze, so she took the path that fate had chosen for her.


"Two people from two different worlds are destined to be together. One is colder, while the other is the coldest."


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