Chapter 26: Decision

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After dinner, Alexis waved his acquaintance goodbye and I followed his action while placing a fake smile and nodding my head repeatedly. The number of handshakes I received today was nothing compared to my entire life.

It made me both annoyed and nervous. But one thing I do not understand is why everyone addresses him by his first name rather than his surname.

I heard a sign of relief when we finally returned to Alexis's presidential suit. "You earned quite a reputation among people and they respect you. I admire that you must be quite powerful to control things. Right?!," I remarked softly before he could forbid me goodnight.

He narrowed his eyes and smiled warmly at me. "All of this power, respect, and reputation can be yours as well, Ms Carter, if you--," he asked me calmly as if he expected something.

We were standing in the centre of the suite's living area. The yellow light from the chandelier over his head complements his features quite nicely. I noticed a resemblance to Mr. Sebastian King. His aura, and the way he spoke and walked, were very similar to Mr King's, but different in their way. I noticed it even though I had only met Mr King once.

"What if-?" I challenge him to complete his line. I have been waiting for this since our encounter. I knew there was no free lunch in this world and now I want to know what he wanted from me in return for his kindness.

"If you become a part of this organization. If you become one of us. If you go back to the training centre and aid your every examination properly and prove yourself worthy. You have potential and can earn a position as the best assassin in the world. So, I can't understand why are you running from it?" he finally opened his mouth but the irritation laced his voice. His features were twisted with worry as if his life depended on my decision.

"Because I didn't want to be a part of an organization which killed innocents mercilessly and claimed to be strong. I don't want to be one of you people or your world, where only fear gets respect and you just become a slave to someone. Moreover, I've my own goals," I answered him sternly as I could witness his eyes turn amber.

That's it, this is the real face of these people. They act sweet but in reality, they just want to drag you in the mud with them. I'll never join them, even over my dead body.

He was looking at me silently with a blank face and I didn't even bother his expression. I Just waited for him to argue back but he just walked to his room and slammed the door tightly. His actions hurt me a little because his care made me feel as if he was Allan but oh god! how wrong I was. I also returned to my room and lay down on the bed after changing. Finally, the darkness engulfed me.

Next morning...

Knock! Knock!

Again, I wake up with a knock on my door. I idly opened the door to find Alex standing there but with a blank face. He again invited me for breakfast and I could not help but roll my eyes over his persistance. Nonetheless, I joined him and this time we didn't share a single word for the whole time.

He accompanied me for the rest of the day but kept a safe distance so that he did not disturb my peace. He let me enjoy my cruise tour by playing games and eating lunch at the luxurious restaurant. However, his protection and care for me were not romantic, but rather warm and fuzzy, and it again reminded me of Allen, but I shook it off. He never could be Alen.

Their memories engulfed me again for a while, so I decided to go for a walk and watch the sunset.

"Be ready within an hour; we will leave the ship early," he said monotonously from behind me. I was standing at the railing when his voice caught my attention, so I nodded in his direction to confirm.

One hour later...

Alexis drove me in his branded car, and I was currently sitting beside him and standing on the shore of the vast ocean. It was nearly seven p.m., and the sound of waves had never sounded so soothing to my ears, nor had the wind ever felt so refreshing.

A smile appeared on my face, but it vanished as soon as I noticed Alexis' stoic expression. He was clutching the steering wheel, his anger was completely visible. However, I did not have time to care for these things.

"Goodbye! Alexis, it's nice to meet you but can I ask you something?" I was ready to climb down from the vehicle but before leaving I was to ask him the question itching me for the last two days.

"Yes," he replied sternly as he finally paid me some attention and it encouraged me further.

"Why your eyes it's so...similar Mr. King? Not only your eyes but your whole personality. You seem just a bit older than him. A minimum difference between you and him is at least you are warm and easygoing....unlike him who just behaves like a monster," I cleared my suspicion but as soon as the word fell from my mouth I felt a strong grip around my throat choking me.

His hands were cold, hard and ready to strangle me. The rage in his eyes completely made him a different person from whom I know and it scared the shit out of me.

"You have every right to say anything baby girl but never...I repeat never bad-mouthed Master...this is you so I will let it aside, but if there is someone else their head must be rolled on the ground by now," he stated in a low dangerous tone while getting his teeth. He was mad at me but held back his anger. After a while, he left my neck.

*Cough! *Cough!

I took a long drag of air and patted my chest to breathe properly. I gaped at him with anger and confusion, but there was no concern on his face and guilt in his eyes. What the hell does this man think of himself?

"Master allows you to prove yourself to win what you never think you can avenge your loved one and make them pay back who wronged you....but you are such an idiot to throw away that chance," he paused for a minute to adjust his emotions but they are swirling again, making him frustrated over the situation.

"You are weak and stupid and can't survive even a night alone in the real world and you want your freedom for nothing... I'm curious how you will find your way back," he mocked me and anger grew inside me like a fire over his words.

"And you are just a stranger and I did not like to share my self-information with people...if you accept my offer then there was a different situation. You can now leave Ms Carter, you are wasting my time," he blurted out in such an emotionless voice that it embarrassed me.

I opened the car door and was ready to leave him and this life behind, but his voice halted my action.

"Remember that Ms Carter as soon as you step on the will be not my responsibility. After this if you are caught in any trouble, don't look in my direction for help even if I was standing there, I hold no accountability for you," he warned me but this time I decided to answer him back. I stopped in my action and turned to face him.

"You don't worry, Mr. Alexis. I'm very much capable of saving myself from any kind of danger," I boasted confidently and after spitting words over his face, I jumped out of his car.
He drove away immediately, leaving only the dusty clouds behind him.

I sighed and squatted down on the ground. The sunset looked amazing and the giddy feeling of freedom made it more impactful. However, along with the happiness there was a worry of shelter at the back of my head.



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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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