27. Pancakes for Two

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Song: Woman - Harry Styles



A loud noise pulls me out of my sleep, my eyes slowly opening only to be engulfed by darkness.
The morning couldn't be here, yet.

I sit up straight, my hand reaching to my right to see if Elle is okay. But instead of feeling her soft skin, my hand grasps at nothing, making me recall that she is sleeping in the guest bedroom.

Even though she had said quite the opposite, Elle fell asleep rather quickly last night, not even making it through half of the movie. Not wanting to leave her on the couch, I carried her upstairs and laid her down in the guest bedroom across the hall.

It was a rather selfless decision, knowing she would have slept in my bed if it came down to me. But the last thing I wanted, was to push her to do something she wasn't ready for. And after knowing she hadn't slept in a while I couldn't bring it over me, to wake her up and ask if that would be okay with her. So, I tucked her in and ensured she was fine before I went to bed alone.

My muscles twitch, as the noise from before echoes through the house once more. An odd feeling spreads through my body, as my mind ratters at light speed. The haziness of waking up seems to be long gone by the time I determine the source of the disturbance; a voice that I couldn't mistake for anyone else.


My heart drops into my stomach and before I can even process it, I jump out of bed and sprint out of my bedroom, my feet quickly carrying me down the hallway. The agonizing pain in every scream, that echoes through the halls, has my body feeling sick to the point of wanting to throw up. An overwhelming amount of panic floods my system, my heart praying for the best, but my mind preparing me for the worst.

Memories creep back to the surface, a déjà vu I didn't particularly welcome, but I knew whatever I would do, they would always stay. A cold shiver runs down my back, as I think about the wake-up call I received in the middle of a seemingly quiet Friday night -a night I could neither alter nor forget- as I heard her anxious voice echoing through the phone line, emptiness the only thing that was left behind. It fucking broke me.

It's nothing. Probably just a bad dream.

I repeat the positive thoughts in my head, but after everything that had happened, the wound still fresh and deep, it's hard to not make up the worst-case scenario.

The screams only intensify the closer I get and by the time I rip open the door, I am completely out of breath, my heart beating fast in my chest, terrified for what I could find. Quickly my fingers find the light switch before my feet carry me over to the bed.

A relieved sigh escapes my lips as I see her in bed, knowing that physically she was fine. But the way she yells in agonizing pain, her arms flailing around as if she was trying to protect herself, has my heart shatter in two.

"Stop, please!" she screams out as I sit down on the bed, both my hands quickly reaching to gently take hold of her shoulders, as I try to calm her down.

"No, please, No!"

"Elle, it's me," I quietly plead, my hand streaking through her hair, "It's Harry!"

A gasp escapes her lips, her now wide-open eyes focusing on me in shock, as she sits up straight.

"It's okay," I mumble "it's me, Elle. It's just me."

"H-harry," she whispers her eyes quickly filling up with tears, as she breathes in deeply, "I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, it was just a bad dream."

"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's alright. I'm here."

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