Chapter 7

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I see Richard coming up to us with some girl, he wants to come up to me to say hello, but suddenly my husband appears in front of me, covers me with his body, closes me as if some kind of danger threatens me, his mercy and tenderness immediately turn into rudeness and  stiffness, he greets him as if ready to break his hand with just a handshake
my jealous husband
Richard: 'I'm here with my girlfriend Agnes, they saw you decided to come up, I hope you don't mind''
K: ''against, there are a lot of free tables here,'' he growls
I squeeze his hand, look into his eyes, his eyes burn with anger and jealousy, but he looks at me with loving eyes, there is no rage and anger, he costs him to look at Richard, that tenderness and love evaporate, only rudeness and anger appear, I bend over and  whisper in his ear
A: ''He's here with his girlfriend, no need to be jealous, I'm there, I'm yours''
K: ''mine!''
Kissing his cheek, a smile immediately blooms on his face, and I want to kiss his cheeks even more, but I restrain myself, he pulls me closer to him, proudly looks at me and looks at him with a menacing look. I notice how this woman next to Richard devours  my
Husband, so vulgar and vicious that you want to get up and leave
,,he is my husband !,,
Richard talks about something, smiling, says something, Christian's hands squeeze my waist, his fingers hold me as tightly as possible, when Richard starts asking me something, Christian squeezes his hands tighter on my waist.  I look at this woman, and how she looks at my husband, her look makes me feel disgusted, I can hardly restrain myself so as not to say something rude
,,how dare she look at my husband like that!?!?,,
Agnes: Are you Christian Grey?  I've heard a lot about you
,, and must be heard that he is married and has a daughter!!  Which, by the way, sleeps nicely nearby !!!!,,
I look at her, and she continues to look at my husband, although her man is sitting next to her!  I cuddle closer to my husband, he smiles rather, and I continue to angrily look at this woman, I want her to leave, I can't when another woman looks at him as if she is ready to pounce on him at the first opportunity
K: "yes, good," he answers dryly
She looks at me, and I raise an eyebrow and make it clear with a look that you shouldn't make eyes at my husband!
Richard: Ana, by the way, you look great today.
K: ''she always looks great!'' he growls
Richard: 'I don't argue'
K: "and you can't," he says devilishly calmly
I don't feel pleasant from Richard's words in his words, I don't feel sincerity, it's just something dirty and vulgar, I look at my husband and understand that if Richard doesn't stop this, then he won't restrain himself, and there will be consequences, my heart shrinks from fear for my husband  so much that for a moment the air in the lungs ends and it darkens in the eyes.  I open my eyes and feel the warmth of my husband next to me who looks at me and his eyes burn with love, from his look it becomes calm in my soul and it's good, as if one feeling that he is nearby can heal all wounds and experiences, I don't hold myself back and kiss him in  lips gently and affectionately, just a few seconds, but I want this kiss to not stop, he looks at me pretty and kisses me again but longer, it seems to me that if he doesn't stop, then I won't be able to control myself, although I don't want to  I want to restrain myself, I want to give myself to him with my whole body and soul, he owns every millimeter of my body and soul, we step back, I see rage in the eyes of this woman
Agnes: ''Christian, I think you should compliment me too''
,,WHAT ?!  ,,
I look at Christian with an evil look, then at her, she touches his hand with her hand!
,, My God! what is she doing!?!?,,
K: "I don't owe you anything," he says dryly
A: ''Agnes, you have your man next to you, ask him to take care of you and your needs!  And I recommend next time you be more modest and polite!''- I say menacingly and look straight into her eyes
Richard: "Ana calm down, she's joking, why are you taking jokes so close to your heart?"
Richard: "Will you dance with me, Ana?'
K: ''well, all my patience is over !!!!''
He abruptly rises and goes to him, takes him by the shirt and throws him out, they head out into the street
,,God, he can hurt my Christian!,,
A: ''Christian!'' I shout, I want to go to my husband but Agnes holds my hand
Agnes: ''look what you've done, it's because of you''
A: ''no''
My heart starts beating faster, I want to push her away, but she continues to say unpleasant things, I want to go to my Christian, calm him down, hug him, I don't even want to imagine that Richard can hit my Christian and hurt me, I feel that I'm going to fall right now, but I'm holding on from the last  strength, I hear my princess cry, I hear screams, I hear my heart beat, she stands in front of me and holds my hands and shakes not allowing me to make any movement, I push her away, I take my daughter in my arms, my little princess never cried without  causes
,, feels that mom and dad feel bad,,
I run outside with the princess, I press her to me so that she does not see what is happening, I see how they are fighting, Christian's hands are in blood, the knuckles are broken
,,God !,,
A: ''Christian!''
Richard doesn't stop, he hits my Christian back with even more hatred, his nose is smashed his t-shirt is covered in blood, I see blood on my husband's clothes, I hold the princess closer to me, they don't stop
A: 'Christian!  Stop please!''
K: Ana!  Leave !''
A: 'No!  Please stop, Christian.

You're Mine !Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang