Chapter 10

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I wake up from the fact that I don't feel the warmth of my wife nearby, I don't feel her hugs, I don't feel her touches and her love.  I can't sleep when she's not around, I always wake up when I don't feel her for a long time, I'm already dependent on this woman, I don't even want to imagine what could happen to me without her
K:''Ana?! Anastasia!!''
I get out of bed and go down to find her, I don't understand where she can be, I don't hear someone cooking in the kitchen, I just hear the voice of our daughter who runs up to meet me, it's clear that she recently woke up and started playing with the nanny
She runs up to me and I catch her, start circling, she laughs and hugs me
,,my little princess, a copy of her mother is just as beautiful,,
I hug her, she starts playing with my hair and pulls me like I'm her toy, I start tickling her little tummy and she starts laughing at the top of her voice
K: ''and when did my princess wake up?  And didn't come to daddy?''
Sophia: "I came, but my mom said that dad was sleeping, mom and me ate and cooked breakfast for you," she says enthusiastically
K: ''Did my princess help mom?''
K:''and Where's Mom?''
Sophia: ''Mom said it was a surprise and asked me not to tell''
K: ''and when did your mom kiss you for the last time before leaving?''
I'm waiting for her answer, I know that Ana kisses her every time before leaving, so the princess should remember this
Sophia: ''Mom kissed me then left and you woke up daddy'' she says happily
K: ''okay princess, you go play''
So she hasn't gone too far yet. I don't like such surprises when I don't know. Damn where is my wife!  I'm angry, damn angry, but I control my anger, I understand that my anger can scare our princess.  Ana always makes wonderful surprises for me, but before every surprise I have a stroke, because either she went somewhere without telling me about it, then she picks up the phone as if there was nothing and never happened and starts joking nicely, although then she deservedly for all this  gets a beautiful ass. From pleasant memories, I begin to get excited
,, damn Grey!  Control yourself!,,
I already imagine everything that I will do with her for such a trick, I understand that I need to stop, but it's very difficult to stop when burning pictures with my wife come into my head and what we will do. I take the phone to call her, I call and I hear how from our bedroom  phone call
,,DAMN !  She also managed to forget her phone at home!
I take her phone, I want to return it and teach a small and pleasant lesson in the car, I get dressed and leave the house, I warn the nanny to look after Sofia until I return.  I run out of the house and see how one car crashes into another, it turned several times in the air and landed with a crash, I look at these cars
K: ''ANA!!!!''
I see how the car that crashed is already leaving the place of receipt, and I run to the car without memory.  Immediately, my heart starts beating faster, fear for Ana's life and the fact that this may have been our last evening begin to kill me.
,,Grey don't even dare to think about it!!  She is alive !,,
I pray that she is alive, all the noise goes out, I don't hear the voices of people, I just want to go to my wife!  To live!  I run to the car that is upside down and thank God it was fastened, I try to get it out of this damn car so as not to damage it even more. I barely get it out of the car and hold it, check the pulse and hold my breath, close my eyes and just pray that  my heart was beating, I understand if it does not become, then I will lose the meaning of life ...
,,YES !  God yes!!  There is a pulse!
She put her head on my knees, her forehead is broken, blood is flowing, I take off my shirt, I tear it apart and try to stop the shelter, there are small scratches on my hands, small scratches from the fact that the mirror broke, I kiss her hand
K: ''come on baby breathe, I'm there, just breathe''
One of the people standing next to me called an ambulance, and all I had to do was pray for her to breathe. Every second I check that she breathes, the pulse is getting slower, but the main thing is
,, breathe my love, I'm there, please breathe,
K: ''WHERE IS THIS AMBULANCE ?!'' I shout, I have never felt so helpless, I don't know how to help her, I would give everything to return a few hours ago, when she was still in my arms, ready to give  all in one glance
"breathe baby"
An ambulance came to pick her up, I go with them, I hold Anna by the hand, I don't want to let go for a moment, I want to feel her warmth, I look at her and almost suffocate from lack of air, as if someone is trying to take away my air, my Ana.
She is taken to the operating room, and I stay outside the doors and start to wait, after a few minutes the doctor comes out
Doctor: ''Are you her husband?''
K: ''Yes''
Doctor: ''we will try to do everything to save the life of your wife and child''
,,what child ?!  Sofia is safe at home!,,
Doctor : ''The term is short, so let's hope that they survive, your wife has damage to internal organs, and an open hematoma on her head, it's a miracle that she and the child survived''
,, my baby girl my baby is pregnant why the hell didn't she tell me about it,,
,, she is a miracle, my miracle!  the child is our second child ...,,
K: ''save my wife and child''
Doctor: ''We will do our best, wait!''
The doctor leaves and leaves me alone with my thoughts
,, why didn't she say about the child, she knows I want children, but  why she didn't say, I would never let her go out in this position without me in my life. I pray that everything was fine with Ana and the child, I don't  I'm ready to lose none of them, not a wife, not a child. I already miss my Baby, I want her anger, love, jealousy, I want her all, I can't live without her, I dissolved in this woman, she is my universe, she gave life to me and our daughter  and will soon give another crumb ...

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