Chapter 8

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I hear Ana's voice, her plea, I don't want my baby to see all this, I don't want her to start thinking badly of me, I don't want her eyes to look at me with hatred and fear, I don't want to lose her trust and love, but this scoundrel  said and tried to do too much to my wife!
,,I will not allow anyone to treat my wife in this way!  No one dares to touch it with a finger, I will destroy it!!,,
Sofia: ''Daddy''
I turn and see how my princess runs towards me and Ana follows her, Richard wants to hit me and my princess hugs me by the legs, I hide my daughter behind me, he hits me, Richard swings to hit again, but this time I intercept her  hand and with all the anger I hit in response, he falls
I turn around and see how my little princess is trembling with fear, holding my leg with one hand and pointing at Ana with the other
,,FUCK !!!!!,,
K: ''Anastasia!''
I take the princess in my arms, she clings to me and is still trembling with fear, holding on to me as tightly as she can, her little fingers squeezed my shirt, and her head rests on my shoulder.  I run up to Anya, she is unconscious, I try to bring her back to consciousness.
K: "Ana!  Fuck !  Anastasia''
I start shaking her but she doesn't respond
Sophia: ''Mommy?''
I see fear in the eyes of my daughter, she looks at Ana then at me, she doesn't understand what is happening, she hugs me harder, I calm my princess, although my heart almost stopped at the sight of her baby in this state
Sophia: ''what's wrong with my mom?''
K: ''Don't worry, my princess, mommy just fell asleep, I'll wake her up right now and let's go home''
Sophia: ''mother ran to you, and when she ran she fell and did not open her eyes ''
,, damn it! well, baby, wake up,,
K: ''mom just got tired and fell and probably fell asleep, everything will be fine my princess, dad is next to mom too''
,, come on, Ana, please wake up, dear,,
I shake her, touch her cheeks, she opens her eyes, looks at me, then at the princess who is trembling in my arms with fright, tries to close her eyes again, but I don't let
K: "Ana!  Baby !  Look at me''
A: ''Christian''
K: ''my dear, we are here, come to me''
K: ''Where does it hurt?''
A: ''No, just a little head and belly''
K: 'come to me'
She rises and presses against me, the princess hugs Ana and me, gradually goes to Anya and her trembling and fear evaporate in an instant, the princess hugs her as if she had not seen her mother for a very long time
,, my girls,
A: ''Mommy is next to you princess, why are you scared?''
Sofia: ''you fell mommy, and that uncle beat my daddy''
A: '' there's nothing to worry about, mom and dad are next to you ''
K: "princess, dad and mom are always there no one beat your dad, and dad was just angry that he tried to offend our mom''
Sophia: ''it means my dad is a hero and protected my mom''
,, the eyes of my daughter, I am a hero...,,
A: ''Yes, dad is our hero''
Their words are repeated in my head, my dad is a hero .... Dad is our hero,,
I hug my girls more, I have never felt so strong and loved, I look at my daughter, she looks at me with some kind of pride and joy, and Ana's look is filled only with love, her eyes burn like on the first day of our acquaintance, she looks at  me just as innocently but with admiration, she always looks at me with eyes that are filled with love and tenderness, the head of which is only experience and care, I am ready to drown in her eyes ...
On the way home, the princess fell asleep in her arms, and Ana laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep, they are like my two angels, I look at them and understand that there is nothing more precious than them.
K: ''We have come, how can the head and stomach go to the doctor?''
She reluctantly wakes up and looks at me with sleepy eyes, in response to my question, she shakes her head negatively, touches her nose with her nose, she involuntarily smiles and reaches out to kiss me, her hand touches my shoulder, and from the aching pain my face twists a little, her drowsiness  how to take it off by hand
A: ''it hurts?!''
K: 'calm down darling'
A:''Take off your shirt!''
K: ''well, not here, our daughter is sleeping, control yourself Mrs.Grey''
I'm trying to make her laugh so that she doesn't worry, I don't want her to worry even more, she already suffered so much today because of me, but she doesn't react, her look is filled with experience
A: ''Christian!''
I take the princess from her hands, she is unhappy, but looks at me with excitement, says something, scolds me, and I'm heading to our house
A: 'God!  You are not listening to me ?!''
K: ''baby, I'm fine, the shoulder will pass, don't worry''
We go home, I put the princess in her bed, she is still sleeping peacefully, I head to our room, I see the offended face of my wife, I go up to her and hug her from behind
K: ''Are you offended?''
A: ''yes!'' - she says and wants to get out of my arms, I press her tighter, I know she likes it, but she gets angry and tries to break out, a smile gradually appears on her face, but she continues to break out of my arms
K: ''ouch''
A:"what ?!  Where does it hurt? '' - she says excitedly and turns to me, looks at me, starts to take off my shirt, her fingers lightly touch my skin, she frees her injured shoulder
A: 'My God, Christian your shoulder!''
K: ''it will pass, don't worry''
A: "It's blue!  God, I'll process it right now ''
She takes it somewhere and quickly returns, smears something on her hands and touches my shoulder with gentle movements, so gently that I don't even feel the touch of her fingers, she looks at me and kisses me on the lips, briefly but as affectionately as she can,  then proceeds to work on my shoulder
A: "Now lie down and rest"
K: ''you are so bossy Mrs Grey''
She lay down next to me, put her head on my chest and began to drive some patterns with her finger and mumble something under her breath.
A: "I was scared for you," she says, looks up, and there are tears in her eyes, she shakes a teardrop with her hand and looks at me
K: ''my love, I'm around everything is fine, do you think some flimsy type can hurt your husband?''
A: ''No, I was just very scared for you, and then Sophia ran up to you, I didn't have time to follow her''
K: 'quietly he did not touch her with a finger''
A: "I just know, I was so mistaken, I thought he was good, but he turned out to be like that," she said and cried even harder, I took her face in my hands and began to kiss her lips
K: ''baby, we can all make mistakes, just your heart is so kind that it did not suspect that people can be so rotten, don't cry, everything is fine''
A: ''But I'm like an idiot  argued with you,'' she says sobbing and cuddles up to me
,, my baby is tender and beloved ,,
K: ''do you know that you are very sexy when you argue with me''
I lean towards her and cover her lips with mine...

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