The Kings and Queens of the Court of Darkness

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    Weeks passed in the court of light. But I knew we must meet the Kings and Queens of the Court of Darkness. Our carriage train arrived five days before the ball. The courtyard of this castle was paved in black stone and the silent silver and black liveried servants, the black and gold liveried guards, and others arrived to take our baggage. I was shown to a room with a brick fireplace and bed and table. Was this the suite of a guest of the  court of Darkness. I asked Lian mind to mind who showed me the suite he had. It was plush and decorated with handsome dark furniture and tasteful velvet coverings and fine food. when I received my food I'd gotten a plate of white beans and broth and bread. Not a bad meal, but I'd gotten used to eating meat and drinking wine.
    I could feel the rage of Lian's mental voice as he thundered, "they sent you to a lesser suite!" "Calm down Lian there must be some mistake." "No mistake!" He bellowed, "This must be the work of Queen Saatíl, I know king Ardrande doesn't care for the courts of light." "But surely."
    A tap tap on my door had me rising to my feet. A grey clad servant nodded as I opened the door, "Firewood will be delivered to you each day, though you are supposed to set the fires yourself." "Hot water, I am sure you know to bathe?" I ground my teeth as my mind was flooded with Lian's, "By the Gods!" "I indeed do known how to set fires, and bathe." I said sweetly, "Meals will be delivered twice a day, you are I am certain given pass to honour their majesties with your presence at high court supper?" "Yes of course." I said softly, "Very well then Lady." "Supper will be in half a toll, a toll of the bell for that is how we measure time." She sniffed and curtseyed slightly and backed out, "You probably have no need of help to dress."
    The door thudded closed and I sat on the bed looking through my trunk. I'd been helped on with my clothing by Karthena and the maids. But I knew how to take care of myself.
    Hearing the bell's toll I stood dressed in a somber gown of dark green silk embroidered with golden Linden flowers. My hair had been arranged by Karthena before we arrived and it held true. I was escorted by the sallow servant toward the throne room. She eyed me up and down as we walked. Muttering under her breath, "pretentious little mite." As I was handed off to the guards who nodded and let me in. the herald who announced such things stared at me, "You have no business here." He thundered. "this is the business of the royals." Lian's footsteps sounded behind me and he bowed deeply, "Lord High Prince Lian." "Welcome to the courts of darkness."
    Lian nodded and lifted an arm to guide me, "for the royals only Highness." the herald said, "this is High Princess Phaydra curse breaker, and Princess of the courts of Darkness." Said Lian icily. the herald turned white and bowed to me, "Begging your pardon my Lady." "come in, come in they are expecting you."
    the throne room here was darker and more foreboding than our court with its airy buildings, column's and pillars, large flor to ceilinged windows. The throne room here had black marble floors, deep red carpet, and the dais of some black stone that sucked colour from everyone. Courtiers whispered amongst each other as we passed, "High Prince Lian of the court of light, High Princess Phaydra Galatine Curse Breaker, Princess of the court of light!"
    People in their chairs of ebony and silver grey chairs turned to gaze at us as we walked. We both knelt as was custom as we weren't High king and Queen yet. "Rise my dears, rise." called Queen Raylonna in a merry voice. Next to her on a jet throne sat her beloved King Eldaris, "Shall we adjourn to the gathering room?" Asked King Eldaris.
    We walked up the dais through a door and down several stairs until we came to a low ceilinged room decorated in dark green and silver.
    High Queen Raylonna smiled as she and I embraced, "You look well." "Thank you your Majesty." I said with a curtsey. "May I present to you King Ardrande and queen Saatíl of the court of Shadows."
    King Ardrande was coal skinned with black hair and brown eyes and wings. Queen Saatíl was raven haired, golden skinned, amber eyed, with black and silver wings. "King Marshayne and Queen Kirivelle of the court of Stars." Said Raylonna softly. King Marshayne was tall, well over seven feet with large liquid brown eyes, silvery wings, brown skin and hair like midnight blue flames. Queen Kirivelle was tiny with silvery hair, bright black eyes, mahogany skin and blue black wings. "And King Valois and Queen Lumena of the court of elements." Said Raylonna. King Valois had grey skin ashy coloured eyes, chocolate coloured wings, and hair of a red so dark it looked almost black.
    "A pleasure to meet you your Majesties." I said curtseying. "How do you like your rooms, are they comfortable?" Asked Queen Saatíl with a small smirk, "Mine are wonderful as always." Said Lian with a charming smile, "The court of darkness rivals our court for its hospitality." All four queens smiled, "However." Said Lian with a low growl, "My Lady's rooms are far from fine." King Eldaris rose from his seat, "What is this about high Prince?" "What offence do you speak of?" "My beloved Lady's rooms, are not adequate for a Princess of court of Darkness, let alone those for a High Princess."
    Queen Saatíl lifted a coal black eyebrow and said in a carrying but cool voice, "Am I mistaken?" "Has there been a wedding planned?" "Are you indeed hand bound?" "No." Said Lian, "But she was made High Fey royalty." Queen Saatíl sighed softly as if she were merely slightly troubled, "Yes and it was agreed that she must have a title as she is high Fey." "However she will not be proclaimed High Princess until you are wed." I gasped, "Everyone knows Queen Saatíl that there is an understanding and that they will wed." "Nevertheless." Said King Ardrande, "they are not wed, the title is only a courtesy one, a place holder until you wed." Lian's face went deathly white, "Are you saying that you will not accept her as who she is?" "Nor your title for her, as Princess of the court of Darkness." "King Eldaris and Queen Raylonna." Said Queen Saatíl, "That is High King, and High Queen." Said Raylonna angrily. Queen Saatíl cleared her throat. "After all as you always point out to me Queen Saatíl the etiquette must be observed at all times."
    Queen Saatíl cleared her throat again and bowed her head. In a meek voice she said, "forgive me High Queen Raylonna, as you say I have mistaken myself." "You did give her the title." "It was not a courtesy title however." Said High King Eldaris. "She is Princess of the court of Darkness, and she is High Princess of the court of light, she and Lian will wed, and she is entitled to something from the court since she saved both our lands."
    "Who assigned her rooms?" Asked High Queen Raylonna angrily, "I did your Majesty." Said Saatíl, "Pray; was I mistaken?" "You were mistaken." Said King Eldaris. King Ardrande only waved a hand to his wife, "My wife surely meant no malice High Prince Lian?" "Of course she did Majesty." Said Lian angrily, "She knew how the rest of us felt surely?"
    Queen Raylonna rose from her seat, "This will be rectified immediately!" "Guard!" "Call in servant Dathna." The sallow servant entered the room and bowed, "Did you set up the rooms for High Princess Phaydra?" "You mean Lady Phaydra?" Asked the servant, "Lady?" Asked Lian standing, "i am most offended." "Would it not be rude, I and my lady would leave and not attend your ball."
    The servant blanched, "That is, High Princess Phaydra?" "Lady Curse breaker?" "I wasn't sure, I thought, Phaydra was a common name." "What do I know of such things?" "Some one else will attend upon her." Said Lian, "Yes of course." Said High King Eldaris, "You may go Dathna and considered your punishment." The servant fled.
    High Queen Raylonna surveyed Queen Saatíl through narrowed eyes, "You have almost cost us our alliance with the court of light." Queen Saatíl picked a stray thread from her gown of ruby velvet, "Forgive me your Majesty." "I never meant such." "Be glad I am not ordering you back to your palace." King Ardrande stood, "Majesty my wife is old fashioned its is true but surely she meant well?" "She knows what she did." Said King Eldaris as the horn sounded for supper. "High Princess." He said with a small bow, "Please think nothing of this mix up, we are not all so determined to keep to old ways." "You are of course welcome to the court of Darkness." "thank you my Lord King, I shall think of this as a simple misunderstanding." "Very good." Said Raylonna, "Now shall we?"

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