Glossary of Royals in the fey Lands

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Court of Light
King Faerdian and Queen Delonna rule the court of light, beneath them are the lesser kings and queens of the lower courts. The courts of Seasons, Joys, and crystals also have kings, but they are simply known as king so and so, while Queen Delonna and King Faerdian are known as High King and High Queen. As they have been quite ill from the magic of the curse they are High King and Queen in name only. Prince Lian their only heir has taken most of the duties of the court of light.
The court of seasons was ruled by King Aldric and Queen Padial. Padial was found to be worshipping the dark night devourer Nepharé. She had trapped his beloved High Lady Jordian and wed him herself. King Aldrich now rules beside Jordian over the court of Seasons.
The court of Joys is ruled by King Amrith and Queen Neuna.
The court of Crystals is ruled by King Mordion and Queen Revasi.
The court of Darkness
The court of Darkness is ruled by a high King and Queen who recently ascended the thrones after Eldaris's father was killed during the curse time. They are considered to be the youngest ruling King and Queen. Beneath them are the courts of Shadows, Stars, and Elements.
the court of Shadows is ruled by King Ardrande and Queen Saatíl. They are considered to be the longest reigning of the current kings and queens in all the courts.
The court of Stars  is ruled by King Marshayne and Queen Kirivelle.
The court of elements is ruled by King Valois and Queen Lumena.
Future Heirs
High Prince Lian of court of Light King Faerdian and Queen Delonna's heir will succeed them once they bond with the earth. He will be wedding Phaydra shortly before or during the coronation.
King Aldrick and Queen Jordian of the court of Seasons are expecting their first child. King Aldrick and his previous wife had six daughters though he will put them aside for his coming child since he loved his beloved Jordian and considders her his true queen.
King Amrith and Queen Neuna of the court of joys have three children. their oldest child Princess Ashena will take their place.
The court of Crystals King Mordion and Queen Revasi have a son, Prince Torjend who will succeed them.
the court of Darkness's new king Eldaris and Queen Raylonna have no children yet, but seeing as they have newly ascended there is hope for an heir soon.
The court of Shadows King Ardrande and Queen Saatíl have a daughter Princess Tarmayla who will most certain take her place once they bond with the earth.
The court of  Stars King Marshayne and Lumena have twin sons. There is talk of the pair of twins taking the throne together.
The court of Elements King Valois and Queen Lumena have a son Prince Dantris who will take the throne after them.

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