Your Eyes Are Brown

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Your eyes are brown.

Like the wood of a tree; it's leaves are green, and sharp.

Like around your pupils.

The green is like a gaseous state off of toxic fire. With the flames licking and twisting across the sky.

The same way it burns like your words,

that pierced my skin like the broken glass in the carpet.

You are tall, and your arms pin down the shameless thoughts, the wreckage.

Your hungry words are loud across the white planes of silence.

Your angry eyes filled with trauma, but filled with guilt, and longing for love.

The ones I look into for security make me want to run.

Your skin is carved like the wooden christmas tree in hallmark movies.

Your body is like a Ken doll, one that makes girls mentally ill.

Ill of mind and soul,

You were my best friend.

Your alligator tears stain my heart

Breaking it down,

an erosion of my thoughts.

Unto the couch,

That theme song in the background is cheerful. In our darkest time.

The air cold,

filled with silence.

That burned like your eyes do on me.

Your lies are shattering your perfect teeth.

My tears swallow my internal screams.

Like an ocean,

My head underwater mumbling voices of care...

Bounce right off my arms that shield me.

Your voice,

It kills me like a disease does.

You are a disease.

Your eyes are brown,

Your skin soft,

Your body is perfect.

I don't know what I look like anymore,

What color are my eyes?

My hair,



Who am I?

No mirror can tell me that,

My eyes are blue,

My skin is rough and scarred,

My voice is deep and quiet.

My eyes are filled with tears,

Yours with guilt and hate,

But the color doesn't tell you

That it wasn't my fault,

That I didn't see,

Behind your brown eyes.

Was a demon so violent

That hell couldn't even take it.

Your eyes are brown.

Dark and deep.

Beautiful, but deadly, like a siren.

Heavenly sinning across the bible in so many ways.

Your eyes are brown, but there is so much more to see, than just your beauty.

Your eyes are brown,

And I never want to see them again.

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