The Choice

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It's a choice we make for ourselves, of course.

A history so far forgotten by disease that

Wipes out our people and leaves us having to rebuild

a nation upon the bodies of the fallen elders

Rebuild history for our children and your children to look to when

They Are lonely and defeated because

It's not normal but

All the kids are doing it

Damning ourselves to this choice

That one day might cost us the right to be married to the one we love

being called atrocious names by blood

Not knowing the abomination is sitting across the table

From the plate that was served to them by a mother

Who loves her daughter

Who's the sinner.

We sin to keep sinning right?

Walking with the devil to live a blessed life because we are all just sensitive

But why do you get so defensive when

You see me with a girl and not a boy.

We chose a life of being celebrated by banners painted in colors

And glitter among the drag queens


We also chose a life to be constantly stared at or deemed brave

Because it's really brave to love and not be loved

It isn't safe out here.

Growing up wondering if they will take our rights away because we haven't

Moved forward

They say it's the 21st century but the 19th wasn't much different

Comparing love with lust

Abortion to murder

Being in love with a woman makes me a pedofile.

If you could make a choice I wouldn't make this choice.

Small towns have me whispering to my neighbor through my window

Cause she can't be caught talking to me

Not to the weird

Short haired girl with a fire in her chest like the flames

That burned the witches

Not with hatred but for a word so simply spat

That has no meaning at this point

Love is a word that is like high beams in the fog

Something you can see but you want to avoid if you're me.

It isn't a choice to be queer but

It is a choice to love.

I chose love.

I chose to love my women. 

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