New "friends" (chapter 2)

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Kinda cussing warning? Not exactly cussing but implying it 😅
I wrote a lot of this when I'm supposed to be asleep bc school..🥲
I also finished this a lot quicker then I thought💀
Btw sorry if there's any errors or anything 😔
Strawberries pov
Well since yesterday wasn't bad I'm sure today won't be! I'm actually on time today so I guess that's good!
*walking into class*
Where did I sit again..?

No one pov
Strawberry stands there (beside the door so people can still walk through) trying to remember where she sat then she heard behind her "move."
Strawberry:"Oh sorry.!"
"K whatever, don't try that again though."

GingerBright, GingerBrave, and wizard then walk in:
GingerBrave: "Hi again strawberry!"
"Oh hi!"
Gingerbright: "hey strawberry wanna maybe see if you could sit by me instead of in the back?"
"Ok well let's go!"
After class

Strawberries pov
Well I guess class wasn't that bad but I hope I don't run into those other kids again..
Wait where did GingerBright and the others go? Uh.. I guess I'll go to the library again.?
*after walking in the library and to an empty table*
Huh.. why do I feel like someone is following me..?
*she turns around*
..Oh no...

No one pov (?)
Those kids she had thought she only saw that morning only were there.. this wasn't gonna be good for her.
???-"Alright, listen here-" "you will NOT disrespect us like that. Ok?"
Strawberry-"Yes.!" "... I already said I was sorry though..." she mumbled
???-"Excuse me?" "Just because you're the new kid here you won't get treated like royalty!"
Strawberry-"I know I'm sorry..!"
???-"..." "oh ok, so you think you're better than everyone here?"
Strawberry: "what.?! No.!" "Did I make it seem that way.?!" "If I did I'm very sorry..!"
???-"yea right 'you're sorry' just you wait.." *they walk off*
Strawberry-"oh no..."

Strawberry cookies phone: *message ding*

Strawberry pov
Huh..? Oh it's GingerBright!

GingerBright: hey strawberry, where are you, also are you ok?
Strawberry: oh yea I'm fine! Btw I'm at the library
GingerBright: oh ok I'm gonna go over to there!
Strawberry: alright cya soon!

Strawberry pov
Well at least GingerBright is gonna be here..
*few mins later*

No one pov
GingerBright: "hey strawberry!"
Strawberry:"Oh hi!"
GingerBrave: "hi!!"
Wizard: "hey"
Strawberry: "hey guys.!"

*they talk for a bit before the class bell rings*

-time skip to lunch bc yea-
(They're whisper yelling)
GingerBrave: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN???"
GingerBright: "I MEAN YOU'RE A FUC-" "oh hey strawberry and wizard!"
Strawberry: "uh.."
Wizard: "what happened this time?"
GingerBright: "he's being an idiot."
Wizard: "what exactly did he do?"
GingerBright: "he asked me how to divide"
GingerBrave: "I forgot how to ok?!"
Strawberry: " exactly..?"
GingerBright: "same thing I asked..."
GingerBrave: "I don't know..!" He says while looking sad
Wizard: "why do you need to know?"
GingerBrave: "..homework.."
Wizard: "you have a calculator." He says while sighing
GingerBrave: "no.?"
Wizard: "you're phone?"
GingerBrave: "oh yea.."
GingerBright: "idiot"
GingerBrave: ":("

-time skip again 👍—in class btw-
GingerBrave: "psst!" "Strawberry!"
Strawberry: "huh?" "Oh, what's up GingerBrave.?"
GingerBrave: "can you tell me the answer to number 10?"
Strawberry: "it's 'a'"
GingerBrave: "ok thanks!"
Teacher: "no talking in class!"
GingerBrave: "oops.. sorry!"

-time skip AGAIN to the end of the day because I'm uncreative-

Strawberry pov
Hm.. where are they? Oh over there!
*she walks over to them but they don't notice yet*

No one pov
GingerBrave: "hah! Knew it!"
GingerBright: "shut up.."
Wizard: "gay- wait lesbian?" "Which one do I say"
GingerBright: "it's ok take you're time, I'm not either but it's ok"
Wizard: "..then what are you-"
GingerBright: "I'm bisexual you dumbas-"
GingerBrave: "language. Either way still!"
GingerBright: "just don't tell her..-.oh."
Strawberry: "uh.."
GingerBrave: "anyways strawberry GingerBright-" "WAIT NO-"
GingerBright: "SHUT UP" she say while she punches him..(once) poor GingerBrave 😔 (girlboss move though)
Strawberry: " this a bad time..?"
Wizard: "how much did you hear?"
Strawberry: "first thing I heard was GingerBrave saying 'hah I knew it'.."
GingerBright: "ok good..!"
Strawberry: "uh.." "oh my parents are here! Bye guys!"
GingerBright: "alright cya tomorrow then!"
Wizard: "bye"
GingerBrave: "bye strawberry!" "Ow.."

In the car with her parents
Purple yam: "So how was you're second day?"
Strawberry: "it was good but- never mind"
Milk: "what happened?"
Strawberry: "well some kids-..uh.."
Purple yam: "some kids what..?" He says while starting to look mad
Strawberry: "nothing.."
Purple yam: "no tell us."
Strawberry: "well they were kinda mean..- nothing physically mean! Just rude..?"
Purple yam: "do you know they're names?? What do they look like?"
Milk: "YAM NO."
Strawberry: "dad no!"
Purple yam: "fine.. but if they do one more thing I will!-"
Milk: "no. It's still illegal."
Purple yam: "again, not illegal if the police or whatever don't know."
Milk: "no."

With GingerBrave and GingerBright
GingerBrave: "ok but you can't deny it!"
GingerBright: "ughhh fine!" "Just don't tell her yet!"
Dark enchantress: "what's happening?"
GingerBrave: "she has a-!" "OW"
GingerBright: "shut up!"
Red velvet: "really you two?"
GingerBright: "what?"
GingerBrave: "..not my fault"
Red velvet: "why are you fighting and hitting each other?"
GingerBright: "because he can't shut up"
GingerBrave: "well it's not my fault you like-" "OW AGAIN??"
Dark enchantress: "both of you stop"
GingerBright and GingerBrave: "ugh.."

Anyways I hope you enjoyed! Sorry this is kinda short though 😅 I'm gonna try to get chapter three done as soon as I can though! Btw Ty for the support on the first chapter!:D
Cya guys next time!:)

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