After school..? (Chapter 3)

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First thing I'm gonna say is tysm for the support!:D
especially LuminaUnderscore !
Btw a lot of this will be just random talking and building up character behavior and stuff but also introducing 4 new characters!
Also it will have a bit of cussing
Anyways onto the story!
-time skip to Friday-

Strawberry pov
This week was great!..I was a bit late though..I hope next week isn't least those other kids didn't do anything.!

Alright time to walk into class..!

No one pov
*strawberry walks into class but only wizard and other kids she doesn't know are there right now*

Strawberry pov
Huh.? Where are they? ..Well I'm just gonna go sit down at my seat..

GingerBright pov
GingerBrave:"HURRY UP!"
GingerBright: "OK, GIVE ME A SECOND"
Ughh if he didn't take so long I would be able to get ready quicker..
it's already 8:00 am! Well I'm ready now so that's good.!

GingerBrave pov
Why is she taking so long?? Ughhhh
Brave: "HURRY UP"
Yea right like it's gonna take a "second", she better hurry it's 8:00 am!

No one pov
DE: both of you hurry or I'm not taking you and you'll have to walk, I have to go somewhere today!
GingerBrave and GingerBright: "ok!"
*they get in the car and get to school*

*after getting out they start what looks like running for they're lives until they get to the classroom and people who saw them look concerned*

Teacher: "why are you two late?"
GingerBrave: "she took way to long getting ready"
GingerBright: "I only took so long because while you were brushing you're teeth you locked the door and I needed to wait for you because you wouldn't let me in!"
GingerBrave: "not my fault I fell asleep while brushing my teeth.."
Teacher: "ok ok both of you go sit down."

-after class ends-

*while packing up their stuff strawberry decided to ask GingerBright something*
Strawberry: "hey GingerBright?"
GingerBright: "yea?"
Strawberry: "what exactly happened to cause you to be that late?"
GingerBright: "well we woke up a bit late but still had time to get ready but of course GingerBrave had to lock the bathroom door when all he was doing was brushing his teeth then apparently fell asleep and wouldn't let me in so I couldn't brush my teeth until he got out and-" *she basically just tells her all about it*

Strawberry: "oh"
GingerBright: "yea it's annoying to have to live with him"
Strawberry: "heh I bet!" She says jokingly "anyways where are we gonna go for the break we have.?"
GingerBright: "hm.. oh! How about we go to the rooftop since it's gonna be nice up there today?"
Strawberry: "oh sure!"
GingerBright: "alright let's go-"
*GingerBrave standing there with wizard*
GingerBrave: "where are you two going?" While having an expression like "🤨"
Wizard: "yea" also have a "🤨" look on his face while crossing his arms
GingerBright: "we were gonna go to the rooftop"
GingerBrave: "we're following then"
GingerBright: "no."
*she takes strawberry's hand and starts to walk/run away fast*
GingerBrave: "HEY!!"

*at the rooftop*
GingerBright: "hah! Looks like they couldn't follow us in time!" *shes still holding strawberry's hand*
Strawberry: "..oh uh- yea.!" She says while blushing a bit because the unexpectedness of GingerBright holding her hand
GingerBright: "oh! Uh sorry.!" She says while letting go of their hand
Strawberry: "oh it's fine!"
*both of them are blushing a bit now* (GingerBright from kinda embarrassment and realizing she grabbed her crushes hand and strawberry from also holding her crushes hand but didn't expect it at the same time)

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