42: In the Kitchen

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Choi Han and Rok Soo are walking towards the Count's mansion.

'Child, the god of truth gave you a blessing that could only work for a while, use it well, it will expire after a month, you'll get answer from everyone if you ask them, they'll tell you what they know' the voice of the god of death told them both

Both of them got startled. The god of death just spoke to them like it was nothing and didn't even tried to tell him he's always there.

'Not all the time I answer your calls, I'm too busy being a god, our existence means forever work'

'I'll never wish to become a god' Rok Soo said to himself.

And when they are near the gates of the mansion, a pair of hands landed on each of their backs.

"Good day to you young men! What are you up to to go to that old man's house? They aren't hiring for servant or knights for a while. I'm Janna a niece of that old man" a bubbly girl asked confidently. She's big but acts like a child.

Choi Han almost sighed of relief but he saw a bunch of men rounding up to them. It's not that he is intimidated but annoyed of the cliche, introducing someone like a villain like this.

"I'm here to report to the Count of what happened in our village, please help us go to him" Choi Han asked Janna.

"Hmmm... So it really is true.... Then follow us... Condolence for your lost..." She said sorrowful and started to walk.

"???" The two are confused.

Choi Han never heard about this woman before, but maybe she's the key to speed up their plan. She's the self proclaimed niece of the Count.
While Rok Soo is puzzled about what is she supposed to say first...
'What does she know?'

She became their gate pass and got a schedule to meet the Count.

"Here eat first you must be hungry" she said as she put some cookies and drinks down to the table.
"Thank you" the two thanked her.

She might be an unexpected variable in the novel, Kim Rok Soo thought that she isn't that bad, and she is seemed to be doted in the house.

Then after a half of an hour the Count called them.

They told them what happened in the village and asked about the burial to honor the deceased citizens of the village.

Choi Han cried as he narrate what happen, meanwhile Rok Soo only felt sad for Choi Han and noticed that he isn't crying like Choi Han. He tried to tear up a little but...

"Don't force yourself to cry young man..." The count said and smiled bitterly. "I also experienced losing someone I loved too, and I experienced having someone not crying to the death of their loved ones, it isn't wicked you must've been feeling confused you'll get over it and cry on your own... Don't force it..." The count, Deruth, said his eyes on verge of tears

'I should've been with him that time too, he must got it very rough.... Cale... My son... It's been 5 years since the last time I got a news from you...'

They got a room to stay for the time being as they finish the burials.

"Please ask Ron if you have any requests, he will give it to you" Deruth told them

Hearing Ron's name, Rok Soo couldn't help but to shiver from his spine.

'That assassin?'
"Yes Count, please excuse us" both of them left the Count's office.

And when they are about to open the door, Ron's face appeared, he is smiling benignly.

It made Rok Soo's heart jump in surprise, so he have to step back and calm his heart, Choi Han stepped outside first. He understood that Rok Soo is not that strong yet to get a hold on Ron's simple aura.

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