1st chapter.

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Song: all i want by kodaline

3rd person POV:

Taehyung could only smile widely as he returned home and his boyfriend greeted him with a big hug and a peck on his lips and then later helped him remove his suit jacket.

"How did your day go, tae?" The boy asked as he held his hand and walked inside, immediately the elder was greeted by his two puppies as well. Yeontan and bam who jumped up on him and started licking his face once he crouched down in front of them so they can love him how they want to, making him a giggly mess while his boyfriend just smiled widely at them like he always does.

"It went really good. I helped my team score the deal we had wanted from a long time so boss is giving me bonus this month. But I'm really tired and hungry right now though. And i really missed you." Taehyung replied once he stood up from the floor and walked back towards his boyfriend, though he stumbled a little when he did but dismissed it by smiling at the younger as he wrapped an arm around his waist and hugged him again, resting his head on his shoulder and the boy ran his hands through the back of his hair that fell on his nape.

"I'm right here, tae. And c'mon go get freshen up and change, i have cooked us dinner and i will give you a nice massage later, hm?" Jungkook whispered that made the elder melt immediately in his hold as he hummed in response.

"I know you are right here. Let me stay like this for a moment, please." Taehyung whispered back as he closed his eyes and basked in his warmth who chuckled and nodded his head.

"I love you so much, my flower." And there it was the nickname taehyung always loved to call his lover by.. his flower.

"And i love you so much, tae." And as usual the younger said the same thing 'i love you' without using the word 'too' because he always thinks that it's not some agreement he is doing with his lover. Its just he's expressing his feelings just the same way his lover is, he's simply stating he 'loves' him and will keep doing so, there's no need for the 'too'.


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