Off to a bad start

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The first words I remember of my parents were: " My darling angel ".  I wish I were an angel.  Every parent thinks that their child is the most beautiful child on earth. So did mine. I wasn't beautiful, but my parents sure were. My mother, Carina Hawthorn had lovely, light brown wavy hair up to her waist. She always seemed to have a gleam on her fair-skinned face. She was slender and tall. I looked a lot like her but wasn't blessed with any means of attraction . My father, Adrian Hawthorn, had a well-carved face. He was taller than my mother and was well-built. He had blue eyes and dark hair. They were both a brilliant witch and wizard, and they were even AURORS! How cool is that? I hope to be like them when I grow up.

I was only 2 years old when they had to leave me, to go to the true home of angels. I remember a shriek from my mother, and a 'THUMP!' resounding from my father. There had been Voldemort, hell-bent on finding Lily and James Potter. He came to my parents because they were friends with the Potters. He tortured them for the whereabouts of the Potters, and eventually became so livid, that he killed them. He didn't know that I was there, watching it all from inside a cabinet. He left furiously, hissing about some prophecy. No one knew why, and no one does now. It's funny that I, a 10-year-old, know this. 8 years have passed, and every single memory of my parents is etched into my brain. I'll never forget them, even if I want to. 

I haven't told you my name yet; It's Allura Hawthorn. If you want, you can call me Allie. My mum was Carina Hawthorn, and my dad was Adrian Hawthorn. I don't know much about my mum's lineage, but I do know my dad's. The Hawthorns are a well-known pure-blood family, quite ancient really, that dates centuries ago. My great-great-great-great grandma ( Titania ) was the Ministress for Magic for quite a long time, my great-grandpa was the founder of Honeydukes, a sweet shop in Hogsmeade village ( You've probably heard it ), and my grandparents were professional Quidditch players, and they played for the Montrose Magpies!  

Can you believe it? I love my family, not just because they're cool, but because they're very charitable, and don't think low of the muggles and muggle-borns. We find them just fine. 

 Tomorrow is the day I will be turning 11. Later on, I'll get my letter to Hogwarts. I've wished to go there for AGES. Bill, Charlie and Percy are always boasting about it. Oh! I haven't told you about the Weasleys yet, have I? The Weasleys are the best, best, BEST wizarding family in the world! Arthur Weasley is my father's friend and Molly Weasley is my practically my aunt. I call them Aunt and Uncle, because why would they be anything less? I've lived with the Weasleys ever since my parents died, but sometimes, they make me forget my parents weren't there. That sounds a bit mean, but I still love my parents. And the Weasleys. 

My best friends are Fred and George Weasley, but I think that Ginny ( their little sister )is better than them. Sorry, it's true. There are a LOT of Weasley children. From oldest to youngest, there is Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Me, Ron and Ginny. My birthday is on July 12th, 1987, and Fred and George are only 3 months older than me, but they act like it's 3 whole years.

Oh, I just can't WAIT for tomorrow!

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