Birthday Rule

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"Good morning, Allura dear! Happy Birthday!" exclaimed Mrs. Weasley, enveloping me in a warm embrace. 

"Thank you!" I answered, feeling extremely energized. I brushed the stray hair off her face, and took a seat at the enormous kitchen table. I ran a hand across the smooth oak front, and then got startled as Percy tickled me from behind.

"Happy birthday." he said, smiling at me, and I felt bad for laughing at his lopsided glasses immediately after that. 

"Thanks." I said. "Your glasses are wonky, Perce." I pointed out, because I was a moron. 

Ginny ran up to me and gave me a big hug, and her tangled red hair was shoved into my face. She wished me as well, and placed a flower into my hair which she plucked from the garden. "It's an orchid." She whispered proudly, and I gave her a peck on the forehead. 

"I won't use the 'Birthday Rule' on you, I promise." I muttered, loud enough for her to hear, but Percy let out an indignant, 'Hey! Not fair!' at the injustice of it all. It's his fault for stealing my favourite pen. Also, Ginny was most definitely my favourite Weasley. And I was her favourite sibling, so there's that. The others REALLY had to raise their game.

"Maybe don't take my stuff next time without asking and lose it, Perce. And there's also the time where you didn't get me Honeydukes, but everyone else got it from you."

I was expecting an argument from Percy, the most antithetical boy in the house, but all he replied with was, "I'll get you back on my birthday."

I smiled innocently, and shot back with, "We'll see." At which Mrs Weasley let out a soft laugh, and Percy buried his nose in a big, fat book about arithmancy. He wouldn't let me touch it. 

The rest of the Weasleys came in. Mr Weasley gave me a warm smile and a pat on the back, taking his designated seat at the front of the table and immersing himself in the Daily Prophet, letting out occasional 'Ahhh's of satisfaction and clicked his tongue at information that did not please him.

 Ron came in looking like a fuzzy rat, with his hair ruffled and his blanket still wrapped around him. He meant to wave to me, but dropped his entire blanket due to the movement of his arm, and slapped his forehead in frustration. Ginny leapt put her seat to help him out, but he grumbled and stuffed up the blanket and threw the poor, disheveled thing on the couch, sitting down on the table with a grimace. Someone had his wand in a knot. Not that he had a wand. Yet. I hope. 

Fred and George still lurked in the hallway, and Charlie pushed past them with a laugh. "Happy Birthday, Allura, and a good morning to you."

"Thanks, but Ron sure isn't having a good morning here." I laughed, to which Ron shot me a glare. "If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now, Ronnie."

"Fred and George thought it was a real funny idea to drop a spider on me while I was sleeping last night, the gits."

You were going to ask Ron what brought this prank on, because Fred and George ALWAYS have an ulterior motive, but Mrs Weasley retorted with, "Ronald, don't ever say that word again."

As if on cue to misbehavior, the twins strutted in, taking a seat on each side of Charlie. Fred revealed a bunch of grapes from behind his back, and started stuffing his mouth in what must have been the most uncivilized way ever. George stole the grapes 'artistically' - as he seemed to call it - and Fred did not seem to notice. Typical. 

George piped up with, "Well, Mum, you should be thanking us. We finally got Ickle Ronniekins here to get up on time, and very successfully prevented him from oversleeping." He finished off in a very business-like tone. Supposedly, he was trying to sound convincing. He was doing a terrible job at that. 

"Must have been very easy for you, seeing last night I didn't sleep at all!"

Fred chucked a grape at Ron, and surprisingly got him from all that distance. "Oi, quiet down, will you?"

Ron retorted with, "Shut up. Prat."


"Alright, alright, I'm sorry!" He pleaded, putting up his hands in defense. Everybody was deadly silent for a few moments, before Charlie spoke up.

"So, Allura, you must be very excited for today. Getting your letter and all."

I nodded, and started, "Yes, I actually-"

"That's today?" Ron asked in confusion. 

Ginny sighed, and buried her face in her hands. Percy snickered, and looked at Ron with a smug expression. 

Before I could say anything, Fred jumped in to conversation. It was getting annoying. I was getting interrupted a lot. 

"Guess what day it is, Ron."

Poor Ron was befuddled, and after a great deal of thinking, answered, "I'm pretty sure it's Saturday."

George burst into laughter at that. "Guess we're not the only twins here, right, Freddie?"

"I'd bet my stash of fireworks on it, Georgie."

"It's my birthday." You declared quickly, to save Ron more embarrassment and relentless teasing.

His face lit up in realization. It was adorable, really. "Oh, yeah. Happy birthday!"

After what felt like the millionth "Thanks!", I  was relieved to hear the announcement that breakfast was ready.  I couldn't wait to bite into heaven. 

The smell of the chicken-and-ham pie wafted through the air, and my hunger grew, but not before I saw a bustling family of ginger pride. 

I found myself blessed for a short moment to have such a wonderful family here with me. They were there for at times where I felt like I was the only person in the world. It's good to know that you're loved. 

Unsurprisingly, Errol crashed into the outside window when the clock struck 11, and Percy groaned out loud, seeing as he seemed to be the one stuck at the "Errol-Revival" job. I was practically jumping up and down by the time he trudged back as slowly as he possibly could, and flung the letter on the table. I picked it up with shaky hands, ripped off the seal and slowly took the letter out, my fingers unable to contain their excitement. 

I cleared my throat. "Dear Miss Hawthorn,"  I took a deep breath, "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry." I fought hard to hide my smile, but I let out a tiny giggle instead. Great going, Allura. I looked up to find everyone watching me with a smile on their face. Well, except Ron. He was grumbling because he wasn't old enough. Ha. 

I'm going to Hogwarts!

We'd have to go to Diagon Alley and everything. 

Birthday rule postponed. 

Instead, I got prepared to stuff my face with chicken and ham pie. 

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 12 ⏰

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