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Minho sat in the passenger seat in anxiousness,"where is that brat?"

He heard the car doors slam and he turned around, "did you get all of your things?"

Lily nodded at her mother and before she could even greet her uncle she was interrupted,"so spill the beans."

"Hello to you too." and the young girl held out her palm,"candy first."

Minho threw the sucker in her hand and he looked at his sister,"you guys are too alike it's disgusting."

Lily rolled her eyes,"fine I hope Mr. Han will find another man to be his boyfriend."

The older males eyes widened,"SO HES SINGLE?!"

The young girl nodded,"Mr. Han and Mr. See are just friends."

Minho's sister pulled out of the driveway,"it's not like you'll even do anything about it. You literally run through men like you get paid to do it."

Minho gasped, "excuse me?"

Lily nodded, "I don't think I'll ever have an uncle."

Lily's mom snorted, "see Minho. My child even knows you don't know how to do relationships. Don't you even dare think about going for Lily's teacher I don't want to make pick ups awkward."

Minho furrowed his eyebrows,"I can totally do relationships."

"How long have you dated one person? Not counting a friends with benefits kind of thing. Just a genuine relationship."

Lily giggled once she saw her uncles expression, "it's not my fault- I mean- I just haven't found the right guy."

Minho's sister sighed,"Minho. This is exactly what I mean, you can't just expect a relationship to happen if you don't try."

"I'll try this time."

Lily whined, "why does it have to be Mr. Han? He's too nice to be your boyfriend."

Minho mimicked the young girl,"too nice to be my boyfriend? Am I some kind of bitch or something? What are you trying to say Sunny?"

Sunny shook her head, "you can do whatever you want with whoever you want but not with my child's teacher."

"You just don't want to see me happy." 

Lily looked at her mother and uncle fighting and she just sighed," it's not that we don't want to see you happy but we don't want to make an awkward environment for Lily and for her teacher. You only do one night stands and you leave those poor boys high and dry."


Sunny slapped her brother on the side of his head, "that shouldn't be your main focus."

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