Chapter «||»

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When the twins said such thing, his whole body froze, fear was now starting to stir inside him, his mouth wanted to move so bad to spit gibberish, and he didn't permit it to do so. He took the fork in his hand when no one was looking and started to munch the liquid-spaghetti, his mother looked at him with concern but none of them of them spoke a word, letting the little teens continue to babble around, then after a few minutes, everyone finished their breakfast, Tokonatsu and Nika then went out to blade since they are in holidays, while Valt helped his mother in the bakery, It is almost going to be a month since alt successfully finished his studies, but even if there was a lot of job opportunities out there due to his popularity among bladers and kids, he stayed in Japan to help his mother, he knows this is the best choice out of everything, since his mother is getting old and his father is not here anymore and his siblings are still teenagers, he had to stay here

But lately he has been considering to join the WBBA, his old friend, Komurasaki Wakiya, asked him if he could, yet he is not ready to leave his family here, alone, just like his father did when he was a kid, he didn't want to neglect them, now back at the bakery, he was busy making the pie a customer requested, the pie he was making was quite special since the customer wanted the pie to be in a specific flavor and have special toppings and design that no other ordinary pie has, at first when the customer requested it, Valt scoffed and was about to decline until the payment he was shown, he was confused of why they want him to make it and bring it, but they said that the pie was for a special person and they heard that Aoi-s are gifted in baking and cooking which is actually not true and Valt knew it, he learnt all these said skills from his mother and if it wasn't her then he would have still be very terrible in it

His mother was at the table behind the display, packing some b reads and muffins for a very familiar customer, after giving the now packed breads and muffins, the customer asked something 'I heard that you stopped making these delicious sweets and desserts Chiharu' they paused a bit, letting Chiharu be cautious about it, 'Please don't tell that your son makes these, he have a very beautiful future, he have no time unlike you to waste his time cooking and be here forever-' they continued to speak while Chiharu Aoi just looked down, knowing what they are trying to say, she felt hurt, her future was also ruined, they said that she has to be at home, play her role as a women and help her husband by taking care of kids and be a housewife even when she had the chance to become so much more then this just because of stereotypes, but she knew her son loves to bake and help her, because, she herself asked her son, and his answer was always the same, and she really hope that these stereotype will not change her son's future to something he hates, but all of these aside, she really love her children and baking so she continues this, the customer didn't stop speaking, at this point it was irritating but she knew that it is true so she kept silent

The said boy, they were talking about soon entered the bakery from the kitchen door, 'Please don't blame everything on Mother, I was the one who insisted on staying' he said, his hands were full, with a tray of the pie he made, sweet scent spread widely through out the bakery, making the customer stop and look at him, his face had some of flour, on his cheeks, he smiled looking at them, then kept the heavy yet light weighted tray down on the table where the items are packed, he continued pack while the customer looked at the pie in awe 'Y-you' they almost drooled but they composed themselves 'Baked that?' they asked, Valt giggled at their reaction and spoke 'Yeah, took some pretty damn time but,' he finished the packing and continued to speak 'Came out pretty well and-' he took a handkerchief , wiped the flour and looking at the customer with narrowed eyes 'If you got your order, then just get out, we don't need people criticizing my mother just to gossip around the town' he kept his kerchief back in his pockets, the customer looked at him, shocked 'W-hat-?- I-I- Never do that- I- Chiharu do you ever teach your son how to behave-? I-I-need to go-' they took the packed items they bought and left without a word, Valt then looked at his mother, 'Mom' he called out for her but she didn't say a word and went inside the kitchen

He knew this, and he didn't want to argue, 'Mom, I am going to deliver this pie-' he was soon cut off by the twins running inside, Tokonatsu looked at him, 'I will come!' he said, 'No! it's my turn today' said Nika beside him, Valt looked at them, confused, 'You guys usually don't come with me' he folded his arms up against his chest and looked at them seriously 'There is something going on without me knowing, Isn't?' he asked, the twins laughed nervously, 'We know that you are going to participate in that game to help mom and we want to join you as well but since one of us should stay here, we thought that the ones that help you the most can come with you..'

Valt blinked at them, 'Seriously-' he shook his head 'I do hope the game isn't dangerous, and Toko you can come with me since you asked me first' he said with a smile. Tokonatsu lauged while showing his tongue to Nika, making the other mad, 'Now now, don't do such thing then I will leave you and take Nika with me' he said, carrying some packed boxes to the car, 'ok!' said Tokonatsu, following him behind.

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