Chapter «|||»

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Kurenai Shu, was walking his way from his home to his office. The day was beautiful and most importantly normal. Something he had been wishing for since he was a kid. Back in his blading days, everyday was either chaotic or serious. But after his quit from his sports, life had been going easy on him. He was suspicious something is going to happen soon or later, after all he thought his life was relaxed just before he turned into Red Eye, one of the members of the now closed team, SnakePit. He looked down as he stopped for a second. Looking back at the days, his parents weren't around, only Valt's mom, Chiharu Aoi was there for him. He is greatfull to her but. Wait. Valt.

It's been some months since he saw that man. The last he had seen him was the day on Graduation from College. After that, everyone became busy, Shu got a job, Wakiya took over his Father's company, Rantaro stayed in BC Sol and now he is training kids. Daigo is currently working as a doctor, he bacame a doctor because he wanted to help young kids who injure themselves, just like his Brother Ryoto. Ken became one of the most talked Actor, after he got his confidence, he had became such a great actor. And there was he, Working in a news company as a Journalist.

Everyone was so busy, aren't they? But he did not know what Valt took his career as. When asked....

On the day of graduation, Valt stood on there, leaning on the railing. He was on top, in the roof. He was staring at the sun setting, everyone was packing up after the graduating celebration. His hair flew in the air, as his eyes was dazed over the beauty the Sun was representing. Shu opened the door to the rooftop, to find Valt, zoning out. He smiled and walked towards Valt and stood beside him, looking at the sunset. “Beautiful” after a pause, “Isn't?” asked Valt still staring at the scene. Shu, still smiling replied: “Indeed. But. What is it now?” he asked. Valt did not say a word, understanding what his best friend implied. “Jobs and continue our life” he calmly replied

Shu, relaxed, said: “Are you planning to be a journalist? We both studied for it, giving our all in but I saw you,, You weren't sure of yourself” Valt hummed “I, still am not sure” he stated. “You used to be the image of Blading, I am sure a lot of companies will accept you” added Shu. Valt did not say anything else. Silent followed, but his mind wandered away with thoughts but it came to one conclusion. He grinned and acknowledged: “I will let my life decide, afterall, that is how I went into blading”

Shu smiled, remembering that day. Valt was so cheerful and positive back then, even if he pushed down again and again, he still remained positive, no matter what.

Shu, soon arrived at his office. As he walked in, many were discussing about something that seems important. He went to his manager's room, he knocked at the door. A faint voice said to come in, he entered the room to see the Manager, looking at his Pc. “Sir, the files are ready” reported Shu as he took two files out from his sling bag. The manager took the files and checked them. “The game.. How did it became so popular in a day?” questioned the manager. “There was a rumour that went on that the elevator can give you whatever we wish for,,,” there was a pause “But, they said that Elevator is a gateway to hell” answered Shu calmly. The manger hummed “Intresting way to make money. Now teenagers will probably try in and put in their allowance. And this is also a perfect opportunity for us” remarked, smirking in amusement.

Shu, smiled as well. Oh how this will be a good news for them. “Our news company, not only do newspaper and channels, we are in social medias as well. Many news companies are trying to take this opportunity, but they had never thought of-” “-Of exposing the Elevator. I got it, Sir, I will do it” said Shu, boldly. The manger, grinned and handed over the ticket. “It's your job Mr Kurenai, I am sure you wouldn't upset us. After all, the ticket costs a bit around your whole year salary“ the manager warned.

Shu's smile did not fade though. “I am pretty confident in this, Sir. I will take my leave now to my room” stated Shu. The manager nodded and sat down. But he knew something.

“The game isn't easy Kurenai.. Always watch your back..”


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