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My Dear beloved
Today is the last day of the Lantern Rite. I am currently sitting over by the ledge of Mt.Tianheng. Mr.Zhongli and Hu Tao told me that this was one of the best spots from where the final Firework shows of the Liyue Lantern Rite could be enjoyed. 

Surprisingly they were right! It was better than having to stand in that crowd to view the fireworks. I could see the thousand lanterns that floated in air go up together in a wonderful array of display. I personally let one as well.

When a lantern is let, we pray for the people lost in the war and honor them. That is what the common people say. A few also told me that the Lanterns should be left with a wish in your mind for the future.

I prayed that you return back safely. I know that you don't need any prayers or adeptus to help you out but still, it was a memorable moment. I conclude this letter hoping you are doing well and reading this.

With Love
Your Y/n.

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