☁️ Takanobu Aone ☁️

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Title: Teddy Bear

Reader: NB / No pronouns mentioned

Description: Aone being a cute bby that deserves the world and Y/N showering him with kisses


You and Aone have been dating for 2 months, the relationship was still new yet exciting. You invited Aone to your house and he complied with a small nod. Now, you are laying on your bed on your phone with Aone doing the same, but just sitting on a chair across from you.

You close your phone, placing it on the bedside cabinet and turning your attention on the much bigger man. His eyes are fixated on his phone screen, probably texting his teammates.

You couldn't help but stare at him, admiring his looks. When you two first started dating, he was really shy. His cheeks constantly turning pink and fiddling with his fingers.

You always took the initiative with how hesitant he is. It was always you who gives him kisses and hugs, him only sometimes returning them.

You would rather throw yourself off a building than even think about making him uncomfortable so you took things slow. Which seemed to work, Aone would return your kisses more and give you hugs more often now. Still, his cheeks would flare up in a red hue and bury his face into your neck or on top of your head everytime he displayed any kind of affection. But he's getting there.

Maybe it's time to take it a step further?

"Hey bub?" You call out in a soft voice. Aone blinks before looking at you, his eyes soft. It made your heart melt. You couldn't help but return a smile with the same amount of softness.

You stretch out your arms to him, putting on your best pleading eyes. Aone tilted his head in confusion, not getting the hint. You giggle at him. "Can we cuddle? Pleeeeease" Aone's eyes widened in surprise then his cheeks bloomed pink. He looked away.

You pout, feeling a little disappointed. Before you could pull your arms back in, your tall lover stood up from his seat and slowly made his way over to you. You squealed happily, your heart thumping in joy.

He stopped walking when he stood right in front of your bed side, fingers fiddling with each other, his lips in a thin line, cheeks tinted pink, and his eyes finding the floor very interesting.

'This adorable awkward giant!' You think to yourself. Your arms still outstretched to him, leaving enough space for him on your bed. "C'mere big guy~" You cooed, which made him even more flustered but he finally looked at you.

Slowly, he crawls into bed with you, you can't help but giggle more, he's just too cute! The bed is big enough for the both of you, but Aone still curls his knees a little.

You two were facing each other, but not looking, atleast Aone isn't. He looked at the small space left between you two, his cheeks getting redder by the second.

You scooch in closer, ending the remaining space. You pull Aone into your chest, despite being the smaller out of your duo. He buries his face into you, clinging onto your shirt with his hand smooshed between you two.

You scream internally, how can such a big man be such a cutie? You start to run your fingers through his hair, soothing him from the tension. You chuckle.

"You're like a big, warm, adorable teddy bear , baby!"

He whimpered under your words, gripping tighter onto the fabric. Your heart feels like it's going to explode. With moments of comfortable silence, and your fingers stroking his soft hair- you spoke.

"Hey teddy?" You felt him shudder from the nickname. "Hey teddy bear, can you look at me for a sec?" Aone slowly looked up at you, his cheeks still a soft pink with his chin resting on your chest. You grin wide.

"There's my handsome boy~" You cooed. Aone's eyes seemed to dilate and surprisingly, his cheeks didn't turn red. Though satisfied with his lovestruck look, you kiss his nose, making the man blink back into reality.

He stares at you, wide-eyed. You giggled. "Do you have something on your mind, teddy bear?" You tease. "Did you mean it?" "What?" You said, taken aback from his sudden vocal response. "Did you mean it, when you called me handsome?"

Now it's your turn to be wide-eyed. Aone waits for your answer. "Oh, Nobu..." You place your hand on his cheek and he seemingly melted under your touch.

"You are the most handsome man I've ever met, even the cutest." You stroke his cheekbone with your thumb. "You wanna know what I see, teddy bear?" He mumbles out a 'mhm'.

"I see a big man who also has a big heart. Who's passion and determination in the volleyball court is admirable. A man that his friends and I can count on. A man who's strong for others. A man who struggles but doesn't let it show. A man who's kind, sweet, and so fucking cute-" Aone giggled.

"And a man who I want to spend my entire life with."

Aone stared at you in awe. You blush, realizing the words that just came out of your mouth. "Ah- sorry, just ignore the last part, I know we just started dating and I don't want to make yo-"

"No- No, I want it too." He confessed. You feel your cheeks going red. "Y-You do?" Aone once again mumbled out an 'mhm'.

"You make me happy Y/N, very much so. You make me feel comfortable too. You respect my boundaries but still manage to take down the walls I build up around myself. Y-You saw more in me than the rest, you saw me as your lover. I-I know I can be really hesitant when it comes to this whole relationship thing, but I try, you make me want to try and I do, you just make me feel so safe and loved and it makes me feel like I can do anything and you wouldn't judge me for any of it. I don't know how I can put all these feelings into words, but I just know that I love you so much and I-"

He stopped when he heard a sob. "Y/N?!-" Tears are going down your cheeks, but a big grin on your lips. You sniffled. "Teddy beaaaaaaaaaar!" You sobbed out. You pull Aone into a tight embrace, sniffling.

What did you do to deserve such a sweet man who can bring you to tears with just his words? You have no clue but you know damn well you're not giving him up.

You wipe away your tears, looking at the man you love so dearly, he looks right back at you, his eyes saying a million words at once but one that stood out the most was-

"I want to spend my life with you, too."

"God! You're going to give me diabetes with how adorably sweet you are teddy!" You grumbled before kissing him on the forehead, Aone chuckling softly.

"I love you." You kiss his nose bridge. "I love you." You kiss the tip of his nose. "I love you." You kiss his cheek. You start to kiss him all over his face, increasing the speed of your words and kisses. Aone was laughing, the sound pleasant to your ears and heart. You only stopped when you physically couldn't go any faster.

You burst out laughing, giggling along with the gentle giant. Then the unexpected happened-

Aone cups your face and puts his lips onto yours, it wasn't just a little peck either. It was a soft, gentle, loving, intimate kiss.

The warmth in your heart grew. Aone pulls back after a few more seconds, looking at you with eyes full of love. With a gentle smile and a soft voice, he let's a set of words escape his lips. "I love you too."

The two of you continued to cuddle since, Aone ended up staying over too. You couldn't be happier.


Hope yall enjoyed the first chapter lol! Leave some suggestions if you wish. <3

Haikyuu and MHA x Male/NB Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now