🌧Satori Tendou🌧

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Title: I'm Still Here

Reader: No pronouns mentioned

Description: You and Satori are childhood friends, until you lost touch with each other. Will fate let you cross paths once again?


You've known Tendou for as long as you can remember. You met him at a playground, bullies making fun of him.

You were playing by the monkey-bars, swinging yourself across the horizontal poles until you heard the sounds of cackles. Being your nosy self, you decided to investigate the cause of the noise.

You were led to a sight of other kids surrounding something. You walked closer, wanting to have a peek but were stopped mid-way when you heard what one of the other kids were saying.

"Why the heck do you look like that? So creepy!"

"Yeahhh, monsters don't belong here so you should scram!" Said another kid. This made you even more curious. You tried to catch of glimpse of whatever the duo of bullies were making a fuss about.

You finally saw what or, who, was the center of attention. A red-haired boy with a bowl cut and wide eyes just blankly staring at the kids in front of him, the way his lips were curved reminded you of a cat.

You two locked eyes, noticing rubies as his eye color. "Haaa? What are you looking at, freak!?" The brown haired boy turned around to see you. "What do you want!"

You froze in place, you never did like confrontation. Your mouth went dry as your racing mind tried to come up with an excuse.

The brunette stepped forward, towering over you. "Got nothing to say hah?!" You felt yourself shrink into the ground, holding your hands up defensively. "N-no I was just, uh, I-" You started to sweat, fear present in your eyes as your legs trembled, wanting to run away but couldn't.

"Leave them alone, Koki-chan." The red-hair boy spoke up. The apperant boy named Koki turned and glared at him. "Shut up, freak!"

"Hey, you shouldn't say that about people! It's not nice!" You exclaimed with clenched fists. Koki turned back with an annoyed glare aimed at you, making you quickly shut up. "Why do you care huh?"

You started to get pissed off, getting more determined to stand up for the red boy. "It's not how you should treat people, he has feelings!" You shouted, Koki barked out a laugh at your statement. "Why'd you stand up for someone who looks like him?" He responded while pointing a finger at said boy.

You stood your ground. Mama didn't raise no bitch! (She didn't raise anything at all tbh/j) "I don't need a reason! It's common knowledge that you should treat others the way you want to be treated," Koki huffed a chuckle.

"Unless you don't have common sense?"

His grin faded into an expression of shock, then anger. His face fumed with embarrassment. "SHUT UP!" He barked out. His partner in crime couldn't help but stiffle a giggle which earned a glare from Koki. "Let's get out of here, Haru! This was getting boring anyway." Koki stomped away with Haru following suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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