Deku vs. Class 1-B

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As if things weren't getting interesting. Izuku and Junko have been working a lot on creating the executions, traps, weapons, etc for the U.A killing game. However there were a few people Izuku didn't want to die in this killing game and that was Class 1-B. If anything, they are Izuku's next targets. He's monitored them for a while and sees their despair of not being better than Class 1-A and not catching up to their level. He decides to go out for a walk around the destroyed cities, using himself as bait to lure out heroes.

While he is walking around his destroyed home city, he is looking at a tablet displaying Class 1-b's quirks. It may be a bit overwhelming for him to fight an entire group given his quirk can open 15 ripples that have a variety of weapons in his arsenal but thankfully he has a backup plan. Some help from the Doctor and a parting gift from his father before his death...

flashback to a few months ago, a week after the Tragedy began

Izuku: "Multiple quirks?"

Garaki: "Your father and I created a new type of quirk that you have. Call a late birthday gift since he wasn't there all the time when you were growing up. He designed this quirk by using the many quirks stored in him and some I have samples of. I know you have been struggling given that T.E is destroying your cells every time it is used and that your regeneration quirk is slowly healing your cells."

Izuku: "But I don't need other quirks, My Tragedy Quirk is more than enough."

Garaki: "I know but with these quirks, you won't have to rely on T.E a lot. Think about it, You can surprise the heroes since they know you have one quirk, but what would happen if you surprise attack them with multiple ones. Not to mention, you will need multiple quirks if you want to stop that hot head brat from learning more ways of countering your quirk."

Now there it is. The final convincing statement. Izuku knows Bakugo will always find ways of countering. And Bakugo is almost done learning how to counter his normal quirk, but not T.E. If he wants to overpower Bakugo, then hes gonna need more power.

Izuku: "How long will it take to have the quirks transferred to me? I don't have All for One."

Garaki: "Oh my boy, It will be like a normal procedure. Young Tsumiki will help as well."

Mikan: "Y-yea I will!"

Izuku: "Well, I trust you two so lets get it over with."

Present Time

Izuku sees a large chuck of stone in his way, so he points his hand at it and it begins to levitate and he throws it to the side. This was one of the many quirks he has aside from his Regeneration quirk and Reading Touch.

Izuku: "The city needed a change for the better..."

What quirk he used just now was his Mother's Telekinesis Quirk, but it was stronger. The quirk's drawback is that he can only hold two objects at a time.

Izuku: "It will only be a matter of time until the heroes know I'm here...Junko should be setting up the brainwashing room just in case..."

Izuku was vastly interested in Class 1-b and what they're capable of. Sure he's seen his fair share of power from Class 1-A but like Junko, he got bored of them. He wanted some entertainment. Even with villains like Muscular, Mustard, Magne, and others under his command, he was getting bored. 

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