Foreign policy during Nehru

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India’s foreign policy during the time of Jawaharlal Nehru was known as the “Nehruvian Doctrine”. This doctrine was based on the principles of non-alignment, peaceful co-existence, and the promotion of international peace and security. Nehru advocated for the use of international institutions such as the United Nations to resolve international disputes and promote global cooperation. He also believed that India should maintain friendly relations with all countries, regardless of their political ideologies.

Nehru was a strong proponent of disarmament and opposed the development of nuclear weapons. He believed that the use of nuclear weapons would only lead to further destruction and instability. He also advocated for the peaceful resolution of disputes and the use of diplomacy to resolve conflicts. He was a strong proponent of the United Nations and believed that it was an important tool for promoting international cooperation and peace.

Nehru was also a strong supporter of economic development and believed that India should focus on developing its own economy, rather than relying on foreign aid. He also believed that India should be a leader in the promotion of democracy and human rights. He was a strong advocate for the protection of minority rights and the promotion of social and economic justice. Nehru’s foreign policy was based on the principles of non-alignment, peaceful co-existence, and the promotion of international peace and security. It was a policy that was based on the idea of India being a leader in the promotion of democracy and human rights.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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