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Max -

Your hugs are always sweet and quick while in public and you usually only hug when your really happy or exited.

When your in private though your hugs are usually more intimate with one of you cuddled up to the other.

Chloe -

Your always picked up when Chloe hugs you and she hugs you nearly every time you see her no matter if you've just been gone for a minute but you never complain.

When in private if you ask for a hug she just tackles you and lays on top of you until you need to go toilet or something like that.

Victoria -

She gives you hugs to show others that you and her are dating which you don't mind because at least she's hugging you but you usually have to initiate any other types of hugs.

In private your hugs are sweet and full of love because she feel as If she can just be herself with you instead of being the 'mean girl'

Kate -

Your hugs are always sweet and genuine and they mostly happen when Kate isn't paying attention so you just give her a surprise hug from behind before sitting down to talk to her.

Your hugs in private are no different to how they are in public they just last for longer than your other hugs.

Warren -

He's always hugging you and saying how he's so happy to be dating you and you never get a chance to hug him because he sneaks up on you nearly every second to just hug you.

In private your hugs are much more soft and less energetic.

Nathan -

He only ever warps his arm around your waist and that's the most of a hug you'll get out of him in public since he doesn't want his image ruined which at first you found annoying but you understand it now.

In private it's completely different your always cuddled up to him and he's always cuddled up to you.

Frank -

He only hugs you if your annoying him or he's mad and your like a stress toy and that when he hugs you his worries just melt away and every time he hugs you, you just laugh and snuggle up to him.

Most of your hugs are in private so their not different at all, he just doesn't want you to get made fun of for dating him especially since quite a few of the kids at your school get drugs off him.

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