You take a picture of them

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Max -

She would laugh and pose for you as you took it and afterwards you would show it to her and ask what she liked about it and she always likes them

Chloe -

She wouldn't notice at first but once she did she would ask you to take more so you could remember how sexy she was which always made you laugh and joking take more

Victoria -

She would take it very seriously and be very picky about her makeup, clothes and the lighting which by the end of it, it felt like more of a chore to take the photo

Kate -

She would giggle and cover her face until you took her hands away from her face saying you wanted to take a picture of her beautiful face and she would smile at you as you took the picture

Warren -

He make a really stupid pose and ask if he looked like a movie character you liked and you would teasingly tell him he looked even better than that character which would make you both laugh

Nathan -

He'd try telling you how to take them better and that you could do so much better than that which would just annoy you and make you put your camera away and he would chase after you saying he was sorry and wanted you to take a picture of him

Frank -

He'd smile at you and say he would rather you take the photo when he's not driving so until he's not driving you just take photos of Pompidou and things around his Rv but once he's done driving he'll look at the photos and tell you he looks good and Pompidou look adorable

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