|Mv: "Before chandeliers fell."|

19 1 11

Tw: strong language.

Words: 539

"Hey, dumbass!" Said katsuki, walking towards kirishima with a hunched stance and hands tucked into his pockets.

"Hey~! Baku-bro, how you doing?" He flipped around, a pure white smile appearing on his face. Bakugo shrugged, looked away then spoke softly.

"Have you signed up for signing at prom?"

"Yep! Are you?" Asked kirishima.

"Not really, my voice should be quite recognizable to these nerds! I'd be voted out in seconds."

"Speaking of your so called 'nerd...'"

Kirishima spoke, clearly meaning Midoria.

"Oh, deku?" Said katsuki, a slight tension that was visible.

"Mhm..." Kirishima replied hesitant.

"What about him?" Bakugo snapped, trying to fix his posture, though his sharp red eyes gave away his sorrow.

"Well, ever since the league of villains took him you've seemed.. off. what's up?" He grinned, uppering his palm and placing it on bakugos shoulder.

"It doesn't matter!" Katsuki slapped his hand down, leaving a slight red, scratchy mark.

"Jeez," kirishima placed his finger-tips on the rash tinted on his right hand,


Bakugo huffed irritably.

(wait... SPANISH BAKUGO?!? ON IT-!!)

||Later on in the morning||

Kirishima awakened, his red eyes dull and weak as he'd open them. he sat up and yawned, stretching out his muscles.

"What time is.. prom.?" He started, glaring at the calendar. but quickly realizing the day, He was so pumped!

"Prom!" He laughed, slipping out of bed and slamming open his wooden closet door. Kirishima grubbed through his unorganized closet then pulled out a suit with a dark grey base, red tie, black shoes and leather belt. He'd put it on, one by one.
His eyes locked on his hair comb. running over he grabbed it and started brushing his hair upwards. After it seemed good enough, shark boy (don't question it) placed the comb back down.

He sprinted outside the dorm and rushed down the hallway, grinning slightly.

"Hey kirishima!" Called an unknown voice, due to being in such a hurry he'd refuse to stop.

"Sorry, kinda in a rush!" He apologized, almost missing the prom doors. once he noticed the stretching walls, he stopped quickly and slipped across the floor.
The bouncer side-eyed him oddly.

"Hello si-"

"go in." The bouncer demanded, not even a glimpse of kirishima's voice was wanted to be heard at the moment. As the doors opened, yelling and shouting emerged from the crowds, how was he gonna find bakugo?

"Uh . . . Baku-bro?" He'd yell as he stepped in but the schools voices overcame his, Kirishima's tone was a rat squealing compared to their lion roars! But loud footsteps started getting louder and louder right Infront of his ears.

"Hey, stupidass!" Katsuki yelled into his right ear, hands in pockets and his head held high.

"Ahh!" Shrieked Kirishima. startled considering it had been louder than the crowds excitement. But bakugo would just laugh, backing up to give Kirishima space.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" He whined, covering his ears.

"Well I'm sorry that you're.." Katsuki couldn't think of a good insult, so after a few moments he'd just scoff.

"cobarde tonto." Bakugo mumbled himself, walking away silently.

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