Confusing tale.

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This was made by my friends and I sending random emojis to each other on discord, then we made stories out of them.


Jevin the T. No one knew what the T stood for, but it was certainly his title. He was trapped in a wizard tower. The tower was very gay.

The owner of the tower was a ghost, known as Beteljhost, and was constantly on fire. This was life. The ghost could also manipulate flame, but was more well known for his burning status.

Jevin called him Fireteljhost, which only added to the puns that constructed his name in the first place.

Life in the Gay Wizard Tower was dull. He would look out his window, and see nothing but the endless stretch of grassland beneath him. In the sky, he would see the occasional dragon fly past, and he could do nothing but wish it had flown close enough to take him.

A dragon could never defeat Fireteljhost, though. So even if it had, he had no hope of getting out.

Today, he still stared from the window, gazing longingly at the outside world. He only noticed now, that something was strange. There appeared to be a horse riding towards the tower, and atop it, a human. He threw up the sash to peer down at them.

"Princess, I have come to rescue you!" He called from their horse.

"I'm a dude!" He called down to them.

"Oh, sorry." He responded. "Prince, I have come to rescue you! My name's Beef, by the way."

He laughed lightly at the knight's response. "I'm Jevin, Jevin the T."

"What does the T stand for?" He asked through laughter.

"I don't know!" Jevin guffawed back.

"Well, I'm coming in there!" He said, getting off of his horse. He ran up to the front gate and hit his head on the door, falling onto his back.

"It's a pull!" Jevin said, laughing a bit harder.

"Oh, thanks." Beef laughed as well, pulling the door open and stepping inside.

Not much happened for the next couple minutes, but after waiting patiently, his door burst open. Fireteljhost stepped in quietly.

"Hello, Jevin." He smiled. "We've got a visitor, want to meet him?"

"Sure." Jevin knew who the ghost was talking about, but he didn't need to know that.

He followed the flaming ghost down the extensive staircase. There were no candles along this wall, as Fireteljhost didn't need them, for he was on fire.

The two of them came to the bottom of the tower, which was nearly barren of any furniture, save for a rainbow pride flag that could literally not be moved.

"Hello!" Beef smiled. Jevin could get a good look at him, now. He wore a cloak that seemed spattered with blood towards the hem, and under the cloak was a sheathed dagger. His clothes consisted of a off-white shirt, leather pants, and leather suspenders.

And here Jevin was, wearing jeans and a hoodie. Very princely.

"Hi." Jevin smiled back.

Beef moved his arms to reach under his cloak, though not for the dagger. Instead, he pulled out a handful of cherries, and tossed them by Fireteljhost's feet.

"What?" Fireteljhost leaned down to look at the projectile fruit. Another cherry flew at him, bouncing off of the frame of his glasses, knocking them off. "Cherries?"

Jevin laughed at the unexpected fruit.

Beef moved his arms again, and Jevin heard a metal shink sound, and before he could blink, Beef had stabbed Fireteljhost in the back.

The ghost vanished instantly.

Beef beckoned Jevin out of the tower. Beef climbed onto his steed, and lifted Jevin behind him.

And together, they rode off, probably towards a city or something, or whatever kingdom Jevin the T hails from, but that's not my problem.


581 words.

I was laughing the whole time I was writing this. This is so dumb.

{Alt text: A message on discord that reads "he just- throws cherries out of his pocket, fireteljhost is just, "what" and beef stabs him and saved jevin the t

from the gay wizard tower" end alt text}

^This was the message that made sense of the pile of emojis. I wrote the story based on that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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