Energy Drink {Dean x Reader}

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Title: Energy Drink

Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader

Request: alexstarnes1701 asked: Can you do a story where Dean gives the reader an energy drink for the first time and she does not normally drink caffeine so she gets super hyper and he kisses her to calm her down?

Words: 1,979

Warnings: none that I can think of.

Side Note: I wasn't sure if you wanted the reader and Dean to be together so I made them both single. Also, sorry it's kind of crap :/

Don't forget to leave your own idea! :)

"Hey, I'm going for a food run, what do you guys want?" Dean asked as he walked into the library where you and Sam were currently trying to figure out a case that wasn't far from the bunker.

"Um, just a coffee." Sam spoke, rubbing his eyes. You two had been up all night trying to figure out what it was that was killing locals and so far you hadn't come up with squat.

"Alright, (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh, uhm, I'm good I guess." You let out a yawn. "Thanks though."

"You sure?" He asked, noting the fact you yawned.

"Yep." You nodded as you turned back to the book you were looking at. You had a problem with caffeine. You didn't normally drink it, but when you did, you got really hyper and could never shut up. It usually pissed the people around you off.

"Alright." He said as he walked up the stairs and left.

Sam gave you a look and you just shrugged. "You sure you don't want some coffee or something? You've been up longer than me."

"I said I was good, Sam." You gave him a tight smile and turned back to your book.

You guys sat in silence as you continued your research. You knew you'd pass out soon if you didn't get some kind of caffeine in your system, but you didn't want to annoy Sam or Dean either. You decided that you'd stay up for a bit longer, finish looking through this book, then go to bed.

"I'm back." You heard Dean call after about half an hour later.

"Finally." Sam commented as he walked over to Dean and took the coffee from his hand.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Dean called. You looked up at him with tired eyes. "I gotcha something." He said as he pulled what looked like an energy drink out of the bag.

"Dean-" You started.

"Oh come on. You look like your about to pass out." He said as he opened it up and handed it to you. "Atleast try it."

You hesitantly took the can out of his hand and brought it up to your lips. You took a sip. It left a slight burning and tingling feeling as it went down your throat. It didn't taste half bad either. "Thanks." You said as you took another sip. 

In less than ten minutes, you had finished the last drop of your beloved energy drink and you were flipping through the pages in the book faster than you could normally read. You were tired of sitting around. You wanted to do something, go somewhere, anything but sit in this boring old bunker.

You were shaking your leg as you glanced around the room. Sam was calmly reading his book and Dean was looking at what you assumed was a porn magazine in the corner. You let out a sigh as you looked back down at your book and tried to focus on the print. It was something about a demon, but you couldn't fully focus on it.

You let out another sigh and this caused Sam to look up at you. He glanced over at Dean whom had also noticed your sudden change in mood. They shared an unspoken word and Dean nodded. "Hey, (Y/N)." He said as he put his magazine down.

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