Dean Prompt #1

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Being Ticklish

Requested By: CM-CK

"Hey, (Y/N)." You heard the deep voice of Dean as he entered the library where you were browsing for possible hunts.

"Hey." You mumbled as you read an article about a girl who was decapitated in her bathroom with no signs of break in.

"Whatcha reading?" He asked as he placed his hands on the back of your chair and leaned his head forward to look at the newspaper.

You could feel his breath on your neck and it tickled a little.

"A story about a girl that was decapitated." You replied, trying not to flinch away when he breathed.

"Think it's a case?" He asked.

You couldn't help but jerk your head towards your shoulder to cover up your neck when he asked. He gave you a strange look and you tried to shake it off as nothing.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"Nothing." You replied quickly. "Don't worry about it."

You tried to finish reading but Dean reached his hand towards your neck and lightly touched it. You quickly flinched away and jumped out of the chair. "Dean, don't."

"Wait, are you ticklish?" He chuckled slightly.

"N-no." You lied.

"No?" He asked as he slowly walked towards you with a mischievous look.

"Dean." You warned, but it was too late. Dean ran towards you and began to tickle your sides. You leaned forward, towards his chest, and started laughing.

"Dean, s-stop!" You gasped. Tears were starting to come to your eyes and you tried to get away from him.

"Not ticklish, huh?" He asked with a smirk as he continued to run his fingers along your sides.

"Dean!" You yelled. You finally jerked out of his grasp and ran to the other side of the table. "Don't you dare come near me." You said as you tried to catch your breath from laughing so much.

"I didn't know you were ticklish." He gave you a toothy grin. "I'm definitely gonna use that to my advantage." He smirked.

"You shut your mouth."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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