Chapter Three

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Simon Fitzwilliam.

The doors to my heart opened
When she stepped into my life.

They were only siblings on a piece of paper with no blood ties. He had loved her from the very Beginning, he had cherished her from the time she got close to him.

She was different, very different. But he knew he could never profess his love for it would ruin everything.

He tried being cold towards her so, she wouldn't find out how much he cared. Her jokes, her smiles, her eyes. Her innocent confused look when she didn't know about a particular thing amused him.

She was soft and kind and very inspiring.
She knew just the right things to say and she had never acted her age. It was all this that amused him.

This were just one tenth of the awesome qualities he spotted in Ada but they were not the reasons he loved her.

Infact he had no reason, to him she was just one thing.

He Loved her not like a brother would love a sister, More than a lover to his lover, More than admiration itself. It was worse, he saw her flaws and loved her more for it.

But he could never let her find out.
It was his secret to die with.
Many years ago.

They went to the same high school together but Simon happened to be Ada's senior.

Simon being one of the most influential students in school acquired alot of friends. Most of whom he didn't know were real or fake.

They were in a cafeteria when Ada walked in with both of her friends and acknowledged him with a smile.

Simon gave no reaction and continued to eat. Just then one of his friends asked.

   "She's your sister right?"
Simon wondering why the conversation started nodded his head.

  Steven his friend the one who asked the question didn't stop there.

   "But she's Black, did you father hook up with another Black woman? Even so, why isn't she mixed, like interracial,"
He laughed loudly after saying that.

it made sense that any one with common sense would know that Ada was adopted. But it seemed like Steven didn't have a brain or just wanted to spite Simon.

For some reason, The word Black brought a certain irritation to Simon, Another reason was the fact that Steven the douche bag had the nerves to use his Father and hook up in the same bloody sentence.

Simon Snickered.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

He asked.

Steven stuttered
"Bro.. chill, I was just asking a question"

Simon faced him now.
  "You do know that Black is not a colour yeah?"

Steven looked as confused as ever.

"Exactly what I thought. You are too dumb to understand, and secondly if I say she's my sister you have no right to question how, keep every filthy thought to yourself and never ever say anything concerning my Father or the women he has been with. It is none of your business  okay?"

Steven who was surprised at this outburst nodded as sweat broke out from his face.

Losing his Appetite, Simon walked out avoiding eye contact with Ada who was sitting few tables away from his and was watching.

Yes he had an anger issue. It was a known fact but he was learning  to control it for himself, he was learning how to be calm.

Most importantly he was learning  to control it for Ada.

He hated recalling when she saw him angry but not how she reacted cause it was different.

One time Ada had witnessed, him quarreling with his father Thomas and she had heard all the awful things he said.

She didn't look at him the way other people did when they had an opportunity to witness his angry demons.

She looked at him in an amused manner, she even laughed and said

"white men are funny when they are angry"

He wondered how it was funny to her but never asked. Sometimes whenever he was sad or broken or in those angry moments, he longed to be in her arms.

He longed for her to laugh at him, to tell him that she didn't judge him like the others, That he was funny even though he frowned alot.

He longed for her to tease him. Just the way she made his father happy.

He longed for all of that. But wouldn't say it. He could not risk her hating him.
He had read some where that Nigerians took this siblings stuff very seriously.

If she found out about his feelings, she might hate him. He didn't know if she loved him as a sibling. But the fact that she didn't hate him was enough for him.
He didn't want to risk, everything just for that.


When he had picked her up from the airport. His trusted and loyal pilot, Gerald had told him that Ada had gone to Egypt.

This kept hunting his thoughts as he wondered why she would go there.
Was it for sight seeing?

And why hadn't she told him or Father.
He knew that she studied archeology in school so it was safe to say that maybe she was checking out something.

He waited until lunch and seeing that his father made mention of only Nigeria, he knew immediately that She had lied to both of them.

Fear creeped in as he thought that She was trying to leave them .

Maybe she wanted to start living on her own. Simon knew that it would literally break him.
It was enough that she was close to him. He didn't want her to leave.

Later that night during her birthday party, he was surprised at the weird request she had made .

He had to talk to her, Ada had to tell him what she was planning, if she didn't he would make sure that whatever she was looking for would never push through.

Was he being selfish?

He didn't know.

All he knew was that, he had to be there for her .

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