Chapter Four

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                           Think first then speak.

"You knew about Rhodopis project!?"
Thomas Fitzwilliam yelled and paused.

My father got subconsciously loud whenever he was Mad or angry or dissapointed.

I said subconsciously because even though he tried to Sound very much Calm and be the typical Gentleman (which, I must say he took very literally).

His Voice accelerated higher like it was this inherent character in him and the more he tried to hide it the more it came out, till it became something that happened in his subconscious.
  He was sitting behind his desk.
While I stood on the other side of  the desk in his office still in my birthday gown.

I shook a bit, so he could realize the impact of his loud voice on me was really shaking.

I decided to Count in my mind  from one to ten as I usually did whenever I wanted to know when to chip into his conversations and scolding.

"I worked hard on that project and hid it well, Amor, so how exactly did you sniff it out?"


"I have often wondered what you did when you came into my office to study some of your so called archeology concepts"


"You must have stumbled on my papers concerning Cinderella, and thought it was some child's play"

His voice was getting softer.
But who was he calling a child.


"Why do you want to look for it amor? Why it?"


He had answered the how questions himself, the why questions remained unanswered.

    "Father I feel like this would be a breakthrough for me"

I said earnestly looking into his eyes.

He shook his head. "You have almost everything and yet you hustle for more"

I was expecting him to give me a go ahead and that would have really made my day as it was all I needed at the moment.

"I understand that this is one of the most biggest projects any one could embark on, Cinderella's slipper would really spark alot of  attention"

He stood up from where he sat and walked towards me placing his hand on my shoulders.

"I simply can't let you take that project, Ada. alot of people want it too, especially what comes with it."

I sighed, Swallowing my disappoinment.

"Alot of people?"

He turned his back and walked back to his sit.

"But father..."

I paused.

Remembering that his No was always no and that nothing could change that.

It was left for me to find out.
I always did the finding out.

I walked out of his office feeling dejectedly annoyed until I spotted my brother Simon by the balcony in the hallway holding a glass of wine.

  He had changed into his night clothes and when he heard me approaching he turned to face me.

He smiled at me for a brief moment then went back to his usual poker face.

"You look dispirited,did you have any clash with Father?"

I nodded trying not to cry as I didn't want to remember the pains I went through in Egypt to find clues.

He chuckles
"Atleast you can get a taste of what he gives me sometimes"

I laugh and say "That's not very comforting. "

His eyes fall on my dress.

"Go and change and meet me in Ethereal when you are done. I would be waiting"

I watched as he walked out with his hands in his pockets, with a balanced gait.

He was really good looking.

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