Chapter Six

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Simon Fitzwilliam

                                A work of art.

He started working on his gift for her a long time ago.
Simon never really considered most of the things he did as a Talent.
But the one he felt was inherent in him was drawing and painting.

It was the one place he could feel his essence.

When he first started to sketch Ada it wasn't really easy.
He tried to draw her in the best picture he had in his mind of her.
It took nights and when he was finally done.
He hoped earnestly that she would love it.


"This is really beautiful" her eyes glistened.

"Best birthday gift ever" she added and hugged him.

"Well I'm always the best.." Simon smiled at himself and watched as she admired the portrait of herself.

He thought about it, finally he was ready to ask her. He needed to know her plans and wanted to be in on them.

"Why did you go?"
He asked as he picked up his paint brush and let his fingers play with it.

Ada faced him now.

"Go? ...go where?"

"Ada you travelled to Egypt before heading to Nigeria...I know"

Ada looked silent for like a second.

As Simon asked again.


If their world's hadn't fully collided before, it was now that it would.
Simon always had mono conversations with Her and maybe little discussions about Dad, but he always put this boundary as he never inquired about what was happening to her or what new update was in her life through her because he could get all the information that he wanted from the workers in their father's house.

This was going to be the first time he asked her something about her business, her life...and her.

"Do you want to leave?, Are you tired of staying here?"

Ada shook her head as his questions dropped.

"I would never leave you and Father Simon"

He gave a sigh of relief.

"Then what's going on?"
He still had to ask because it was necessary to.

"Dad has alot if secrets, some that are kept from me and some that are kept from you"

Ada hanged on to her Robe and sat by the window.

"We know it's for the best, but finding out about it by ourselves most times hurts us more, there are various things you know about father that I don't and their are some things I know about him that you don't"

Simon knew what was coming, sometimes he hated this attribute of Ada, The fact that she was mostly discreet, it was hard to get any information from her whatsoever.

"What if it's for the best, Simon?"
Ada stood up again and walked towards him and taking his free hand into hers she whispered.

"Father is by the door listening to our conversation."

Simon jerked but Ada calmed him down.

"Don't turn just act natural" She smiled and Simultaneously Simon joined too.

His worry had been replaced with relief, what ever it was that was going on he would wait till he was told, right now all that mattered to him was that Ada wasn't gonna leave him.

   "It's your decision, if you can't tell me anything then fine, I guess I will have to find out myself"

He turned to walk away as Ada stood looking at him in blissful surprise, he was good at acting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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