Jungkook, Planet Prestige

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I come from a world that lives by the amount of money in your bank account, we care about material things, pride, who makes more money and who has the most followers on social media. This is the way of the elders, my generation doesn't feel the same, we don't care about how much money someone has or what their social status is. 

Because we grew up this way we never learned what love really is, our parents never hugged or kissed us, they never took care of us when we were sick, Nannie's did, and even they didn't show affection, so people from the outer worlds who meet us think that we are cold heartless people, but we don't know any other way.

I work for my father, on Prestige we don't attend colleges, we go to school thru the 8th grade then start working in the family business, we aren't allowed to date and we cannot get married until we have the blessing from the counsel, they are the elders who uphold our laws. If we get the urge to have sex we, find our kind for a one night stand or we have places in our world called galleries, where we can hire people from other worlds to fulfill our needs, we can hire them for a night or enter into a contract for longer periods.

I walk into my office building and see my friend Namjoon talking with my dad, "hello son, I was just telling Namjoon about a deal I just made that will make us millions." "Congratulations dad, we have to go now, we have a meeting to get to", I say. I pull Namjoon down the hall with me, "what meeting." "I dont know, just work with me here, like we want to stand around and hear about all the millions he's made", I say.

As we make it into my office without being seen, Namjoon sits on the couch and props his feet up on the table, "I've been thinking, we should try out The Gallery, these random hookups we have been having with our kind really aren't that great, I dont know about you but all mine just kind of lay there, we need to try a new species Kook."

"I dont know Joon, I mean I hear what you are saying about the people here, its like fucking a dead fish but to pay someone is prostitution, they made that illegal here, so I don't get it", I say stating a fact. "Kook, you don't pay them, the company pays them, very well actually", Joon says. "I don't know, I'll think about it", I say sitting behind my desk. "Do you remember Hoseok, he was a friend of ours in school", Joon asks. "Yea I have actually spoke to him briefly, we are trying to find time to get together, he said he has something to tell me", I say.

"His husband is from earth", Joon says. "Husband, the counsel gave them the approval to marry", I ask surprised. "Yea, Hobi is pregnant", Joon says smiling. "Holy shit, that's amazing", I say. "Hoseok wants to move to earth, he doesn't want to raise his baby here, he says that Yoongi has taught him so much", Joon says.

I had a meeting out of town this afternoon and I am just getting back home, I texted one of my usual hook ups to come over and hang out with me, she is very pretty, but I just don't feel anything with her, it's almost like hanging out with a robot. I throw my briefcase on the floor by the door and slip out of my shoes and put my slippers on, "Ziggy, do I have any messages." "Jungkook, you have 7 new messages, all from Dalia Jeon, would you like me to read them now", my Alexa system asks. "No", I say not wanting to sit thru what my mother is bitching about now. 

When Nina knocked on the door, I was just finishing up dinner, I let her in and she slips her shoes off, "hello Jungkook, thank you for inviting me over." "I hope you are hungry, I made a lot of of food", I say taking her coat. "Im hungry if you are hungry", she says. Umm okay, "come on in and have a seat, Ill serve us." I bring all the food to the table and sit down across from her, "dig in, I hope you like it." She pours herself water instead of the wine I put out, and she places salad on her plate instead of the pasta, okay maybe she likes to eat her salad first.

"Im full, it was very good Jungkook", she says. "You only had the salad, you dont want to try the pasta, it was really good", I say. "No I am good, thank you though, shall we have sex now", she asks. I am not going to lie and tell you that this isn't a surprising question, this is how it normally goes, they dont even want dinner, but I wanted to try something new and I see it's backfiring, "uh no, would you like to watch a movie." 

She was hesitant but agreed, she sat in the chair in the living room while I sat on the couch by myself, she didn't even laugh at the movie, this was a huge mistake, when it was over, I showed her to the door. I leaned against it after it closed and sighed, unbelievable, I call namjoon and see if he wants to come over and help me eat this food.

"This sucks Joon, I feel like I am missing something or needing something more from a person, and it's like I am stuck in a world of Stepford Wives, no emotions or feelings, I hate to think that I used to be that way", I say disappointed. "Kook, lets go, let go the Gallery and see what they offer, if you dont like it, we'll leave", he says getting excited.

"Fine", I say defeated. 

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