Never say Goodbye

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A/N Not my fanart above, if the artist wants me to remove, just let me know and I will take it down. 


"What happened to Taehyung", I ask concerned.

"They have scheduled Taehyung's surgery in two days, I guess I sent enough money for it to happen finally", he says wiping his eyes. "Why are you crying babe", I ask concerned. "I'm happy, I need to pack and get a ticket for the transport home, but I dont want to leave you, I'll miss you so much till I come back", he says sadly.

My smile drops and I shake my head slightly, "Seokjin, you." "What Kook, what's wrong", he asks taking my hands into his. "You still have 6 months left on your contract, you are not allowed leave", I say. "What", he asks getting upset. "It's in the contract, I want you to go but it's in the contract", I say. "There isn't a clause somewhere that allows me to leave for family emergencies", he asks starting to panic. "I don't know let me find out", I sit behind my desk and make some phone calls.

After a few phone calls I don't have any good news, "what did they say Kook." I stand and walk to him, taking his hands into mine, "there is no clause releasing you for family emergencies, the only way you can leave to be with your brother is if I end the contract." "What", he whispers, "if you end it we aren't allowed contact after." I nod, "that's right."

He sits on the ground and starts to sob, "this isn't fair, THIS ISN'T FUCKING FAIR." I sit next to him pulling him into my lap and holding him, "I'm sorry Jin, I'm so sorry." We just sit there, holding each other, nothing being said, just being in each others embrace, comforting him, he looks at me, his eyes are so red and swollen, "Jungkook, you have to end the contract." I shake my head, "no please don't make me, please Seokjin."

He sobs, "you have to, I have to be with my brother during this, what if something happens and I wasn't there, please Jungkook." I start to panic, "we will never see each other again." He nods his head sadly, and I can feel his inner turmoil, I stand, pulling him up with me, then lead him to our bedroom. "Let me make love to you one more time before I release you, please", I ask.

He crashes his lips to mine, kissing me with such desperation and want that it takes my breath away. We undress each other, enjoying each others touch, skin on skin, I lay him down kissing his lips, his jawline, his neck. When he grabs my face and brings my mouth back to his, his tongue slides between my lips and all I could do is moan, it was soft, and so full of love, it was the most perfect kiss in history, and that's when I knew.


I sadly pack my clothes, I haven't stopped crying since Jungkook told me that he withdrew our contract together and that I leave first thing in the morning, he is clearly upset but I need him with me right now, I want every last second we have together, so I go look for him. He is on his office balcony, hands in his pockets, looking out over the city, I wrap my arms around him and I feel his body shudder, I know he's crying and my tears begin again.

"Baby", I say into his back, "I am so sorry, I dont want to leave you." He turns and holds me to him as he cries on my shoulder. "This is not your fault, your family, especially taehyung comes first, he is the reason you are even here, you came to Prestige to help your brother and now you can, I would never keep you here", he says kissing my forehead. "Stay with me please, I want every second I have left to be with you", I beg. 

"Are you done packing", he asks. I nod not letting him go, "lets go lie down for awhile, I just want to hold you in my arms." We strip out of our clothes and he pulls the covers back, we climb in and I get as close to him as humanly possible, he wraps me in his arms and we just lie there. We must have cried ourselves to sleep because I woke to Jungkook kissing me, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer, kissing him back. We wound up making love, this time it felt different, all the times before were amazing, he always made me feel wanted and special, but this time, it really felt like love.


I held Jungkook's hand all the way to the transport terminal, I have to do this, I have to let him go, my brother is my everything. He lifts my hand to his mouth, closing his eyes and letting his lips linger on my skin, "I am really going to miss you." I breathe in a ragged breath, "I am sure you will find another soul soon." He laughs, looking at me like I have two heads, shaking his head, then I thought I heard him say, "doubt it."

He walks me to the gate, I turn and throw myself into his arms, "thank you for everything." I want so badly to say those three words to him, but it will only make this worse. "I hope your brother is okay, take care of yourself babe", he wants to say something else, but doesn't. I kiss him and walk thru the gate, leaving my heart right there standing on that platform, I have never in my life felt as much pain as I do at this moment.

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