Celebration and New Feelings

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     After dealing with Rod Reiss, Historia was given a coronation to become the queen of Eldia. The squad even heard about Mikasa's idea for her to hit Levi, and got scared.

Eren: "Wait, you're really gonna do it? For real?"

Historia: "Yeah, I am."

Izuku: "C'mon, it was just a joke; Right, Mika?"

     Mikasa encouraged Historia, and gave her some helpful information.

Mikasa: "After you've smacked him, you should tell him this: 'I dare you to hit me back'."

Shoto: "Real helpful, Mikasa."

Eren: "If it's not a serious grudge, let it go."

Historia: "If I can't even do this, then how can I call myself a queen?"

Jean: "That's the spirit; Pound that runt."

Katsuki: "Just make sure to scream once you do it."

     Soon enough, they all saw Levi leaning against a window waiting for them. Historia got scared for a moment, but quickly screamed and punched his arm. This got everyone tensed up and scared. Even Shoto was shocked by how she hit Levi.

Shoto: "(Holy Shit! She actually did it!)"

     After she hit Levi, she laughed nervously and insulted him.

Historia: "Did that hurt!? Well, I'm queen now! So, too bad! If you have a problem-!"

     To their surprise, Levi laughed softly and smiled.

Levi: "Thanks, you guys; I needed that."

     After that happened, they all had a celebration with me at. Of course, Sasha went out of control and tried to take all the meat, but Jean and Connie were trying to stop her. Eventually, Eren, Izuku, and Katsuki helped him knock her out, and tie her up. After the party, Shoto met up with Mikasa outside on the steps.

Shoto: "Mikasa?"

Mikasa: "Hey, Shoto."

Shoto: "Mind If I sit next to you?"

Mikasa: "Not at all; Go ahead."

     Shoto then sat down next to Mikasa, and slowly felt awkward around her.

Shoto: "So, Mikasa?"

Mikasa: "Yeah?"

Shoto: "What do you suppose will happen once we've reclaimed Wall Maria and save Shiganshina?"

Mikasa: "All of the people who lived in that district will finally return home, and everything will soon go back to normal."

Shoto: "I see."

Mikasa: "Well, we also had a deal with you, Shoto."

Shoto: "A deal?"

Mikasa: "Yeah; We agreed that once we've recovered what we know about the Titans and take them down, you, Katsuki and Izuku will return to Japan."

Shoto: "Oh, yeah; I almost forgot about that. After a few long months of fighting, I guess I blanked out from the rest."

Mikasa: "No worries; A lot of people get like that sometimes."

Shoto: "I just never imagined that people go through so much Hell when it comes to Titans. I mean, I wanted to become a Hero to protect people, but I've never seen Titans in my life before until 3 months ago."

Mikasa: "Yeah, a lot of us wish that we didn't have to deal with those abnormal creatures."

Shoto: "Do they sometimes wish that these Titans never existed at all?"

Mikasa: "Yeah, and it's never that easy."

Shoto: "How so?"

Mikasa: "Well, many of the people who lived in Shiganshina lost their family members during the Colossal and Armored Titans raid on us."

Shoto: "Oh my God; Were you 1 of those people, Mikasa?"

Mikasa: "Yeah, but it was in a different situation."

     Shoto remembers how Mikasa told him about her parents' death from the bandits, and starts to understand her pain even more.

Shoto: "(Whoa, to think that more people have gone through so much chaos like she and I did. Not only did Mikasa lose her parents, but she also lost the 2 people who adopted her. She really is the same as me.)"

     Soon enough, Mikasa spoke up again, and let Shoto know something important to remember.

Mikasa: "Shoto, I know that things are difficult now, but they won't be for much longer once we uncovered the secret behind the Titans. The world is a cruel place to be in, but it's also bright and extraordinary. With each day we live on, we get to understand the world even better."

Shoto: "You really think so, Mikasa?"

Mikasa: "Not just think, Shoto; I know."

     Both Shoto and Mikasa then smiled at each other, and blushed softly knowing that their bond is possibly getting stronger.

Shoto: "C'mon, we better get back inside before the others worry about us. It's already late, and we have a mission to prepare for."

Mikasa: "Yeah, good idea; Can't risk having the captain tracking us down and dragging us back inside by force. I definitely don't want to deal with cleaning chores by him again."

     They both then went back to the bunkers to get some rest. However, Shoto was still awake thinking about Mikasa.

Shoto: "(Mikasa really is something else entirely. First, she tells me about her past before we rescued Eren, and now she suddenly feels calmer around me. It's almost as if she actually likes me. Wait, what the hell am I thinking? Why is she even on my mind all the time? It's almost like she's the only person who really understands me the most. Maybe I'll figure it out after the mission.)"

     After he had all of his thoughts sorted out, Shoto closed his eyes and got some sleep before the mission in 2 days. Meanwhile, Mikasa was still awake thinking about Shoto.

Mikasa: "(Shoto really is a good person. At first, I thought he would be another Titan Shifter that could betray us. But now, after getting to know him, he's acting sweet. It's almost like he's the only person who really understands me. Wait a minute, why is he in my mind now? I've always cared about Eren since we were little kids. Why is that changing now? There's no way I'm actually falling for Shoto, right? Damn it; Maybe I'll figure it out after the mission.)"

     After she had all of her thoughts sorted out, Mikasa closed her eyes and got some sleep before the mission in 2 days.
To be continued...

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